LiveChat.Me Lets You Chat With Your Website Visitors In Real-time

4 min read,

There’s not a single piece of technology that is actively shaping the way we communicate the way chat does.

It’s true that chat software has evolved dramatically over the years, but the fundamentals remain the same: you exchange text over the Internet with someone, for free. All sorts of messaging apps have spawned after people have realized the true potential of this, and we’ve come a long way since chat rooms and Windows Live Messenger. Now we even use bots and emojis, and Apple has introduced handwriting and screen effects on WWDC this year. Still, businesses just can’t seem to grasp the need to chat live with their customers. We don’t know why is that so, but we do know that LiveChat.Me is here to help you have a better relationship with your clients.

Support your Customers, And They Will Support You

All of us get a little confused from time to time on certain sites and we would definitely like some assistance. It doesn’t matter if we want to know something about the products the site offers or an in-depth explanation of their services, we would sometimes really like to speak to a real person in real time, and ask them the questions we want to know. The sad thing is that most of the websites available today do not have that functionality. Most of the sites rely on phone calls to call centres and customer support, and some people just don’t want to do that or are not able to do so at the moment. That’s where LiveChat.Me comes into play, offering you exactly what you need. It enables sites to start one on one chat sessions with customers about anything the customer might need, and inform them about it head to head, or well, screen to screen. This way customer support can assist the customers while they are still browsing the website, something that can really come in handy.

Simplicity Is The Best Possible Feature

The feature set that you get when you use LiveChat.Me is absolutely simple and robust. You as a customer support agent get an overview of all the incoming chat requests that the customers might have, and you can decide which ones have more priority, and even though all customers are equal, there’s still some pressing issues you need to address first, like certain subpages not working or broken links, after which you can help other customers with navigating the site or similar questions.

Another great feature is co-browsing. This feature is very similar to Teamviewer and similar apps, and it allows direct connection between the agents and the customer’s computer. This makes it a whole lot easier to show the customer where the product he or she is looking for actually is, without having to explain it in a text. It also allows the agent to see exactly what is the problem on the site if the customer says there is one.

Get Out There And Be Proactive

Being proactive can land you all sorts of good opportunities. From online writing jobs to more customers on your site, being proactive is definitely something worth thinking about. LiveChat.Me allows you to proactively ask questions to your customers when they are browsing your site because people are more keen on answering a question than they are to actually start a conversation with a stranger. This way you ask people whether they have any troubles, and they can simply click yes or no, with yes opening a chat with you and no closing it. It’s pretty simple and works well.

One last thing you can do is send predefined responses to save your time. Let’s say a customer contacts you and says that they have a question. You can then click on a predefined answer that asks your customer how can you help him. It saves a bit of typing and makes you more productive, which is a nice touch. Of course, there’s no limit as to how many predefined answers you might have, so if you notice that a lot of people are asking the same thing, you can consider having a predefined answer for it, even though we suggest trying to modify the site to eliminate the need for the question first.

So there you have it, it’s a new era for internet users, an era of chat. It has been here for quite some time now, but it’s apparent that it’s not going away anytime soon. So if you’re a website owner, consider checking out LiveChat.Me and making your customer service job just a little bit easier.

For more info on LiveChat.Me, visit their website!