Linksy.Me: Sharing on Social Networks Has Never Been Easier
Ever since the widespread of social networks in mid 2000’s, people have been using networks such as Facebook or Twitter to promote and share their thoughts, projects and other material. These networks have made such an impact on our society that new marketing skills and tools had to be made.
Nowadays, besides Facebook and Twitter we also use Google+ and LinkedIn. We have many friends, followers and connections which sum up to a pretty large group of people with an even larger number of interactions that they have with their friends and followers. If you’re selling something, looking for a roommate or promoting your startup, getting the message to your friend’s friends is a must.
Say hello to Linksy.Me
This nifty tool is basically a link shortening service with a feature which allows your friends to share the link on their social networks without too much hassle. After you sign up with your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ account, you’ll see a box into which you can type the message you want other people to share. Next, you’ll be prompted with a link which you can copy and send to your friends via email or through social networks.
When they click on the link, they’ll be presented with a panel that includes four most popular networks. If your friends opt to share the message, they’ll have to sign in with their accounts and click on the share button. It’s pretty straightforward and they only have to sign up once since the Linksy.Me remembers their log in details. The service is completely free and can be used for various purposes. It works best if you email the link to your friends just because of the fact that notifications on social networks are often misread.
Now that you know about this awesome tool, there is nothing stopping you from promoting your blog or startup through your friends! 😀