Let’s Connect at Dad 2.0 Summit and #WeAllGrow Summit!

Blogging industry is changing rapidly. In fact, in less than 10 years blogging has gone from being a hobby to becoming a powerful tool of advancing one’s career, and finally transforming into a full-blown career. If you want to keep track of how the industry changes and what obstacles and opportunities bloggers face, blogging conferences are the right way to go. .ME loves blogging conferences because they allow us to build real connection with our community members – something that is at the top of our priorities.
We are happy to announce that we will be attending two blogging conferences in February – #WeAllGrow Summit and Dad 2.0 Summit!
Dad 2.0 Summit, which will take place in San Francisco, represents the biggest gathering of dad bloggers in the country.
“The Dad 2.0 Summit is an open conversation about the commercial power of dads online, as well as an opportunity to learn the tools and tactics used by influential bloggers to create high-quality content, build personal brands, and develop viable business models.”
The Summit is held annually and allows attendees to discuss the changing perception of what is means to be a dad. Men are taking more active role in every-day lives of their children and in decision-making regarding their household. Most importantly, they share their experiences online with dads that want to do the same but are not sure how.
Since there are not many dad bloggers, and since they are continuously fighting against preconceptions about what they do, they form a tight-knit community. We see this opportunity as a way of meeting them and introducing them to what .ME stands for!
#WeAllGrow Summit is an amazing initiative that gathers mom bloggers from diverse backgrounds and communities. It is an opportunity for all attendees to learn, connect and grow together. The Summit is organized by Latina Bloggers Connect and aims to become the go-to professional conference for Latina digital content creators and influencers. It gathers bloggers across all categories, from parenting and fashion bloggers to food bloggers
“Hands-on workshops, inspirational keynote speakers, dance parties, learning field trips, bonding sponsor dinners, mentor workshops y puras cosas lindas await you at #WeAllGrowSummit.”
What makes this conference different is its culture – every interaction is bilingual and in-culture and crafted to create lasting and memorable experience for its attendees. As a sponsor, .ME Registry has reserved a booth/suite that will allow us to connect with the bloggers, introduce them to the idea of ME Day and invite them to take part in it!
If you are attending one of these conferences, don’t be shy – say hi! We would love to get to know you and your story. Who knows? Maybe one day it gets featured on this very blog!