Leaf.ME: Improving How People and Business Interact

3 min read,

If you are running a business, you know how important it is to take care of your customers. You want them to be happy with your service, you want them to come back and, more than anything, you want them to recommend you to their friends. Word-of-mouthis the most important tool you have. Make sure that what your customers are saying about your service is in your favour.

If you are a customer, you know how much you want your opinion to be valued. You want to give feedback on your experience, be it positive or negative.

Leaf.ME – Connecting People and Businesses

Leaf.ME allows businesses and their consumers to get more out of their everyday transactions. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned small business veteran, they have got you covered on everything from game-changing industry ideas to easier data visualization to social media integration.

One of the most important things for a business is billing. This happens to be one of my favourite features about Leaf.ME as it allows you go to mobile! You can take orders and payments anywhere in your store. You can mobilize your employees and speed up your checkout process. The LeafPresenter works as a mobile credit card terminal, cash register or fully-featured POS system.

If you are interested in implementing Leaf.ME in your business, you can sign up here. Leaf offers you a free 30 day trial and a demo presentation of their features. Make sure to check out their blog, because you will find a lot of advice, tips and tricks and solutions there.

Leaf.ME has apps for your customers!

If you are a customer interested in seeing the difference between Leaf and non-Leaf business, you can download the mobile app from iTunes App Store or Google Play.

Having this application will make it easy to leave feedback. Leaf makes sure your comments are delivered directly to the owner or manager of the business. You can also rate your purchase, be it the items you bought or simply your overall experience.

Do you believe in going green? If yes, you must hate receipts. They are a big waste of paper and most of them end up in trash minutes after they are received. Leaf will allow you to receive receipts directly to your phone. Keep your receipts secure and cataloged for future reference. That means you can go paperless and cut down on your carbon footprint!

[youtube width=”555″ height=”360″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MISf0pIYwj8&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

Have you tried out Leaf.ME? Please tell us about your experience in the comments!