Jobslike.ME: Get Inspired For a New Start!
Waking up every morning, some people already know what their day will look like. Sometimes it’s always the same way, same things to be done, same people to work with. If you want to work „ out of the box„ if you have a feeling you need to grow and are interested in many different areas, then Jobslike.ME is a website that could change your life.
What is Jobslike.ME?
The founder, Nikolas Woischnik noticed that more and more new employes are looking for jobs that suit their personalities and talents. Jobs that would be like them. He also noticed that entrepreneurs are looking for employes with big talent. He decided to create a web page that would connect the greates jobs and talent of the digital age.
The job list on Jobslike.ME main page, offers jobs in: Programming, Design, Marketing/Sales and Managment. For now, the locations are in: Paris, Berlin, Munich and Hamburg.
Do you think Jobslike.ME is the place for you?
„ A site for people who couldn’t care less about stereotypes and hate one dimensional jobs that reduce us to them.
A site for people who long for jobs that shape our identity in a multi-faceted way and help us grow.
A site for people who are passionate about their skills and look for quality, not quantity.
A site for people who walk to work every morning thinking:
I want a job-like-me!“
Having interest for different things and being passionate about learning something new can lead you far in your life. You never know what kind of experience you can get. You never know who you can meet along the way and how that can affect your life.
Working on a place that wasn’t connected to my diploma was one of the best experiences in my life. I made many valuable conntacts, improved my language and learned many things I never thought I will. Experience that I had made me see how using different talents and having passion for different things can give you more opportunities that you can ever imagine.
Jobs.ME is a web site that can help you change your professional life in a direction you desire.