Jacqueline Zhang – An Aspiring UX/UI Designer

4 min read,

We all dream of having fulfilling careers. Of doing something we are passionate about. And this makes us work harder and improve our skills. As a result, we become the best version of ourselves!

However, people still get stuck pretty often at jobs they do not fully enjoy. So they feel trapped and unable to express their true selves. Only some of them are brave enough to shift the course and try to find the job that inspires them. Today, we bring you a story of such a person.

Jacqueline Zhang is an ambitious girl from China, currently based in Australia. Her journey towards the career of a UX/UI designer was exciting and full of self-reflection. So let’s see what we can learn from it!

Jacqueline As A Student

Jacqueline - before becoming a UX/UI designer

Now let’s start with her studies. Jacqueline finished her BA and MA studies in Beijing in the field of mechanical engineering. She showed an amazing dedication to her studies, as well as a true talent for this field of work. She received many awards and recognitions during her education there. These include:

  • getting recognized as an outstanding graduate of her BA studies,
  • winning the Scholarship of Harbin Institute of Technology – eight times!
  • winning an award for her excellent graduation thesis.

All in all, it’s rather clear Jacqueline showcased her willingness to be the best at what she does in this period of her life.

Jacqueline could not picture herself working as a mechanical engineer for the rest of her life. Once she realized that, the real journey began for her.

However, she was not happy with her career choice. Really, she could not picture herself working as a mechanical engineer for the rest of her life. Once she realized that, the real journey began for her.

Making Life-Changing Decisions

The process started with a lot of soul searching and self-reflection. As with any decision that can alter the course of the whole life, really. Once Jacqueline knew she wanted something different, it was up to her to realize her strengths and skills in order to find the most suitable career.

Jacqueline wanted to do something meaningful. Something that will help people in their everyday life. Knowing that her best strengths are logical thinking and an eye for aesthetics, she wanted to focus on them as well. All of this brought her to the best possible solution: she had to become a UX/UI designer.

Jacqueline decided to pursue that dream. So she moved to Australia and enrolled in the MA studies of interactive design.

The Portfolio Of An Aspiring UX/UI Designer

The portfolio of an aspiring UX/UI designer

On her blog, Jacqueline describes herself as a life-long learner. It comes as no surprise then that Jacqueline greatly advanced in her career in just a couple of years.

She learned how to use many tools necessary for producing UX/UI designs. These include Illustrator, InDesign, Sketch, and many others. Also, she perfected and developed her skills. This opened many doors for Jacqueline and gave her the opportunity to work on new and exciting projects.

Using .ME, Jacqueline created a portfolio of her work. She used her portfolio to reach as wide an audience as possible and show them her talent and enthusiasm. Everyone can see that Jacqueline worked on an app that encourages people to speak English or the one that helps them deal with intense emotions and many others.

Constantly Improving

An aspiring UX/UI designer constantly improving

Jacqueline aspires to broaden her horizons and learn something new. She found that the best way to do so is by reading books. This gives her an opportunity to get an insight into various spheres of life and learn a lot about different skills.

Jacqueline shows that only by working on our skills, we can live the life of our dreams.

Jacqueline shares her views on the books she read on her blog. In that way, she not only collects her thoughts but also inspires others to constantly improve themselves. She shows that only by working on our skills, we can live the life of our dreams.

Parting Words

Even at the beginning of her new career, Jacqueline Zhang can serve as an example for many people. She was not afraid to change the thing that made her dissatisfied, even when that meant changing the country and occupation. Jacqueline also shows that self-improvement and constant learning can contribute toward a happy and fulfilled life.

It is up to us only to support her courage and ambition. We wish Jacqueline all the best in her future endeavors.

Marketing Manager, FourDots