Interview with Steven Sikes Founder of YouAnd.ME and Domainer

2 min read,

Editor’s note: Since writing this article, YouAnd.ME have ceased to operate. This post remains as part of their legacy. However, you can read our story about a similar .MEr here.


Steven Sikes is co-founder of YouAnd.ME, a rapidly growing online dating site.

Care to share some examples of your domain investments?

My domain portfolio is quite diverse – DOTCOM, DOTME, DOTMOBI, DOTORG, DOTINFO, DOTNET, and some names in other extensions.

I buy lots of domains on the secondary market. In fact, I purchased three solid DOTME GEOS yesterday, and I made an investment in premium DOTME names.

You have been a big proponent of .ME on, what drove your belief in .ME?

Some of the reasons I invested in DOTME – it just seemed to mesh with the direction of the web – more personalized and more user-generated content.  I thought the GEOS were great for DOTME  because you could develop sites with reviews, recommendations, etc, and I also invested in DOTME group names such as Teens, Teams, Family, Latinas, Boomers, Baby Boomers, Celebs, as I thought they could be great blogging sites.  I thought fit the extension well, as well as and several call-to-action verbs I have like

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