Meet The .Me Team: Interview with Sanja Lazović

4 min read,

They say third time’s the charm, and it’s true. In our third installment of Meet The .Me Team, we present to you the charmingSanja Lazović. She is our Chief Accounting Assistant, meaning she’s the one in charge of all things financial. Sanja is also the one in charge of a good atmosphere in the office and she is resident style consultant that loves to sing. Too bad you can’t hear her singing, but I’ll let her sing… I mean, tell us more about herself.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from, where are you now?

I was born and raised in Pec, Serbia, where my idyllic childhood was interrupted by the war. However, I was lucky that my adulthood in Podgorica, Montenegro turned out to be better than I expected when we moved here. Draško, friend of mine, who works for ME-net, one of the DoMen founding companies, told me that I would be perfect for this company and that it would be a perfect place for me too. And he was right.

How would you describe your work style?

I am definitely organized and I hate to improvise, but (un)fortunately, sometimes I have to.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting in your profession?

We have a saying that you are valued by how many friendships you make in life. If the same principle is applied to business, my conclusion would be: your success depends on how many contacts you make. I read somewhere a study about employees’ performance. Employees were divided in 2 groups. One group was comprised of those who spent a lot of time near the coffee machine just chatting with colleagues. The other one was comprised of those who spent most of their working hours behind their computer screens. Both groups were given the same task, to gather a football team in their neighborhood in 3 days. The first group performed much better.

What do you do, when you’re not working?

Trying not to think about the things I have to do when I get back to work. Call me a nerd if you wish, but for the past 3 years most of my free time I spent preparing for exams. When not doing an audit of financial records, spending time with tax department authorities or traveling with the rest of the team, I’m a friend in charge of good vibes and a fashion/style consultant. Otherwise, I am a party animal.

sanja party

Tell us one embarrassing and/or silly thing about yourself.

My colleague Nataša and I were in London for business and in the middle of the night the fire alarm went off. The whole bloody hotel was evacuated, but one person was unaccounted for. Nome est omen! My name is Sanja (Dreamy) and I don’t let my dreams be interrupted, certainly not by a fake fire alarm. When Nataša asked how come I didn’t hear anything, I was totally puzzled and I had no idea what she was talking about.

You have dinner with one person of your choice, dead or alive, who is it?

Robbie Williams. I don’t want to disappoint my friends by saying any other name. And, yes, I would make him sing to me 😉

What is the latest gadget you bought and why?

iPhone, because it has no bugs. Now I want to buy a Kindle, because of my back and my eyesight.

What is the last book you read and how would you rate it?

Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela. I’m preparing for the trip to South Africa at the moment.

What is your favorite website?

Domain.Me; dare I say something else.

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You are stranded on a deserted island only with your suitcase and five things in it. What are those?

A phone, solar powered charger, portable mobile base station (if there is such a thing), sun cream and a friend. I do have a big suitcase, believe me.

Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse? How?

I don’t prepare for those things. What happens, happens, I stand ready.

Facebook or Twitter? Do you prefer one over the other?

Both, for different purposes. But I still prefer talking to people in person. But let me mention Instagram too.

What is your favourite OS?

Mac OS/iOS.  Always and forever.

If you could pick up a superhero power, what would it be and why?

I’d love to read people’s minds, because it never stops surprising me how different their thoughts are from their words/acts.

We hope you have enjoyed this interview with Sanja. Stay tuned for more interviews with Domain.ME team and other interviews we are preparing every Wednesday!

Content Writer, Freelancer

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