Instameet: How To Get Instagrammers In One Place

3 min read,

Instagram, being the most popular photo sharing social network today has a large number of users, or to be more precise, fans all over the world! It’s no wonder they want to meet and hang out together, just like any Twitter user would come to a TweetUp nearby.

InstaMeets are exactly that – a way to get to know Instagrammers around you, whose photos you’ve liked and commented on for several months now. Find a nice place where all of you can be in the same room and let the mingling begin: filters, tips, motives… talk about what you love and you’ll make some new friends probably!

How To Find an Instameet?

First, head over to and find out if there is an Instameet around you or in the town nearby. If there is one, click Count me in button and that’s it – all you need to do now is to show up 😉

Instameets all over the world

If there is no Instameet around you, why not organize one yourself? There must be at least dozen of people interested enough to attend, they just need a little push. So, find a perfect place for such occasion, like a nice vintage decorated bar or a park (if you’re organizing for the spring time), or even a photo studio where you could learn more about photography from expert photographers. Once your event is created, spread the word around using your social media profiles and even you Instagram stream; print out a nametag, write “Instameet” with date on it and take a photo of it. Leave a link in the comments and there you go – your first Instameet is rolling on its own!

What To Do on an Instameet?

When “online” people meet in a real world, especially for the first time, there might be some awkward silences between them, and if the organizers hasn’t planned out a list of things a group could do, people could get uncomfortable. So, here’s a list of what previous Instameet organizers did:

  • Start off easy and casually; grab a drink and talk about your favorite filters or that new Lux function etc.;
  • Take a group photo and send it to Instagram, you just might get featured on their blog;
  • Give out your e-mail address to everyone and tell them that they should send you pictures of the Instameet;
  • Take a photowalk: give your group of Instagrammers a one or two-hour walk around your area and take photos of it;
  • Don’t forget to use hashtags like #instameet or #instameetNY.

If you live in a smaller area, your Instameet probably won’t be as the ones in large cities, but it’s still a meet, right? Don’t be bothered by that and keep everything simple: you want to get your fellow Instagrammers to meet and hang out. Let your (first) Instameet take place in a bar or similar friendly atmosphere; no one will disapprove if the place gets to crowded – you gotta start somewhere, right?


Once you got home, first things first – check your Instagram stream and take every single photo you can find. Ask the people that attented to send you their photos; get them in one place. As soon as you got them all, create an online gallery, share the photos with your Facebook friends and show them how much fun Instagrammers can have!

Have you ever attended or hosted a Instameet? Will you? 😉