[INFOGRAPHIC] Livestream Is Taking the World by Storm

Remember our unboxing post? We bet you were shocked to hear that these videos managed to attract more than 11 billion views, most being streamed live.
However, the very concept of livestreaming is not new, but it is the availability of technology that makes it accessible to everyone. Namely, as the smartphone ownership nearly doubled since 2011, the number of live video apps has also experienced a dramatic growth. Additionally, launching of Meerkat, Periscope and Blab apps in 2015 has only further contributed to livestreaming popularity, causing YouTube live video views to grow by 80%.
Nowadays, people watch live videos 3 times longer than the pre-recorded ones, and 89% of them admit to have seen content from brands at least once. What marketers should keep in mind, though, is that around 50% of video viewing comes from mobile devices. Also, livestreaming embedded in social media platforms is gaining momentum, with better implementation of video protocols, better compression and faster internet speeds. It’s interesting to note that Facebook alone generates 8 billion video views per day on average, and that’s probably why Mark Zuckerberg predicts that “in five years, most Facebook will be video”.
And to what does it owe its reputation? To the fact that it is highly engaging, easy to pull off and, most importantly for startups on the rise – it’s cheap. Additionally, statistics show that video advertising has the highest average click through rate of all forms of online advertising and marketers who utilize this medium grow revenue almost 50% faster than those who don’t use videos in their efforts.
Audience expansion, customer reassurance, branding – these are just some of the benefits of live videos, and taking all of this into consideration, it’s no wonder many speculate that livestreaming is about to become the leading media platform of the future. To read more about the state of livestream in the marketing industry and learn how to utilize it in your next marketing campaign, scroll down to our infographic!