「INFOGRAPHIC」How Your Digital DNA Defines your Personal Brand

Your personal brand can be seen as a living organism defined by a DNA construction, similar to human beings. What defines us are chromosomes, tiny, thread-like structures that ensure uniqueness of every individual. Likewise, digital chromosomes enable for your personal brand to rise above others in the industry and establish strong online presence.
By keeping in mind that almost half of the consumers regularly visit branded sites as well as branded social network groups, branded blogs and branded microblogs, it is evident that networking, publishing and microblogging all together contribute to defining your personal digital DNA.
Business networks are one of the most leveraging web chromosomes and, precisely for this reason, the majority of organizations ensure they invest in online communities. There are 97% of all consumers who go online to search for local businesses. Prominent business networks such as LinkedIn enable them to connect with leading industry names and reach out to prospect customers.
In order to build visibility and credibility of their personal brand, a significant number of entrepreneurs opt for personalized domain name such as .ME domain to strengthen their online portfolio. Not only does a website attract new opportunities, it also contributes to receiving 97% more leads.
Finally, microblogging communities too can be used to provide additional information about your personal brand. With more than 300 million monthly users, Twitter represents one of the top microblogging services that can draw potential customers. For more information on how Digital DNA defines your personal brand, check out our infographic below.