[INFOGRAPHIC] Digital Nomads – Living the Dream

2 min read,

Digital nomads are no longer just certain individuals working and travelling – this lifestyle has grown into a movement and a large online and offline community. More and more people are opting for this type of lifestyle, with 92% reporting that they have become happier when they became less tied to the workplace. The new term embraced by most digital nomads is workation – the ability to do your work while in a vacation destination.

With the ever-changing job market landscape, more and more freelancers are emerging and, for them, the location or country they are in are not important, they only need a good internet connection and a place to park their laptop. If you take into consideration that $1000 is not the same in the U.S. and East Asia, you can understand why living the nomadic life has its perks.

Digital nomads love this type of work so much that 50% of them travel together with their families, making it a lifestyle choice. Work hours are another great aspect of the digital nomad lifestyle, with 52% of digital nomads reporting that they work from 10 – 35 hours per week, and still 59% have reported an increase in income since switching to nomadic work style.

Naturally, not all professions lend themselves to the nomadic life. Most digital nomads are writers, bloggers and web developers, with just a small fraction, 0.6%, being photographers. Another great career option for digital nomads is teaching English online, with a vast amount of online services offering lessons, mostly to Asian countries: you can set up the time, number of lessons and duration to perfectly fit in with your nomadic lifestyle.

To find out more about digital nomads and their lifestyle, check out the infographic below.

Infographic: Digital Nomads - Living the Dream

Content Writer, Freelancer