「INFOGRAPHIC」 5 Obvious Reasons Bloggers Fail at Affiliate Marketing

The simplest definition of affiliate marketing is that it is a process of earning commission by promoting other people’s products. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Then why aren’t all bloggers living the good life and why does only 3% of bloggers have a yearly income of over $100.000?
We can find the answers in the numerous mistakes many bloggers tend to make when entering the world of affiliate marketing. First of all, plane logic tends to drive us to oversell – thinking the more products we advertise the more commission there is to be had. This simply doesn’t work with affiliate marketing. Readers follow a certain blog because they think the content is relevant and they want to hear the opinion of the respected blogger. So if you overflow your content with products you haven’t tried yourself, there is a good chance that you will lose your readers and with them your commission. Focusing on a smaller number of affiliate programs and sticking to two or three niches can help maintain the credibility of your blog.
Another issue that most bloggers face is trying to run a blog just for the sake of money. Having a fresh and original content, a great domain name (.ME) and an open relationship with readers is what keeps them coming back, and clicking on the links that will eventually bring in the money. Without loyal readers, no blogger can have a successful blog which eventually leads to earnings through affiliate marketing.
Finally, it is important to know the numbers. If you don’t know just how many clicks certain product had and which ones brought in the most sales, planning a marketing strategy can be virtually impossible. For more information on how bloggers fail at affiliate marketing check out our infographic below.