How to become a niche leader with a help of your website

6 min read,

Starting out in any field is tough. Developing recognition and making a name of yourself can be a daunting job. However, one of the ways in which you can achieve success is by building your brand and establishing yourself as an expert in the given field. Creating a brand is what will make you stand out and be visible to your target audience. All while helping you on your journey to being seen as an expert in your field. We all know that it takes hard work and dedication to become an expert let alone a niche leader, but how does a website help? Read on. 

establish a platform through your website

Establish A Platform Through Your Website

Think of a website as an opportunity to gather all potential customers at one place and sharing information about your work, without so much as lifting a finger. Website is your online, 24/7 available business card that will do more than just remind people of your name, phone number and email. The website has the power to act as a platform for your audience and introduce them to your work. Give your audience an elevator pitch, if you will. More importantly, this is your tool to show off as a professional who has an excellent grasp on the chosen industry field. 

How do you establish a platform?

The first step 

Create a basic information on who you are, what you do, and why others should trust you. Start with who you are – tell the audience the relevant information about yourself. Then proceed to explain why you’ve focused on the particular job you do. Finally, show testimonials as a social proof that what you do deliveres desired results. With time your testimonials will grow and you’ll gain more relevant experience with each client you take on. Make sure you update the information accordingly. 

The second step

Create a ‘hub’ with all the necessary information the visitor might need. This is your chance to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients. List product/services you offer and explain what the customer will get for each type of service or product.

The third step

the second step to becoming a niche leader

You have to start blogging. While you might be resistant to the idea of the blog at first, this is an unnecessary evil. Create a list of topics that are relevant to the field you want to become an expert in and start writing! Keep in mind that you should write often and ensure that your information is reliable. 

The fourth step

Don’t forget to clearly indicate your contact information and social media handles. This is important for two reasons. Firstly, people will want to follow you and get to know your social side. And secondly, your following and types of followers will tell a lot about you and whether they should place their trust in you.

Bonus step

Consider creating newsletter campaigns where you’ll deliver specially curated information to those who want a bit more information. On a newsletter subscription form, let your audience choose what they are most interested in. This is a great way to convert your audience into paying customers. 

Share Valuable Content to Your Audience for Free

Before you go on to say that this is counter productive, I suggest you pace yourself. Positioning yourself as a leader in your field is not a short term goal. Rather, we are all aware that it takes time and effort to achieve an image of an expert in a field. If you are a beginner, use he blog section of your website to your advantage and turn it into a goldmine of valuable information. Research the most common problems and hurdles your target audience faces and present in depth, actionable solutions to each of the most popular questions. Then build up on those by creating guides, ebooks and more. Your goal is to attract the attention of your audience by being their to go resource in your respective field. 

share valuable content to your audience for free

An important step is to ‘listen’ to your audience. Allow comment section on your blog posts and answer to questions readers pose. This is a great way to get the readers engaged and establish trust. 

For a wider audience, repurpose your content and publish it on social media platforms. Observe how your audience on these platforms engage with the content you’ve posted. Engage in a conversation with your followers and see how do they differ from the audience on your website. Use this information to your advantage by incorporating the findings into the strategy for your website. This goes without saying but, always point your social media audience towards your website. 

Offer Expert Opinion on Your Website

offer expert opinion on your website

In order to get the visitors and potential customers ‘hooked’ you need to show just how much of an expert you really are. And you’ve done so with the content you’ve shared on your website for free. Upon establishing a following and solid audience, it is time to give a more unique insight into the chosen niche and the problems your potential customers might be facing. After all, 53% of customer loyalty depends on whether they feel you offer more valuable and in-depth insight. Keep in mind that certain features of your services should remain free, however more personalised and individual solutions for your visitors’ problems you can offer your paid services/product. 

If you want to become a niche leader through a website, make sure that you share the solution to the problems your target audience faces. This will not only help you grow and assume the status of a niche leader, but will create a basis for new and returning clients.

Bonus Step for Better Results: Narrow Your Niche

the first step to becoming a niche leader

Not always a popular choice, but narrowing your niche might help you gain more profit. By focusing on a smaller target audience, you’ll be able to deliver more specific solutions and get to the core of the problems your target audience is facing. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to branch out, later on, and include a wider audience scope. But, for your beginner steps, it might be wiser to narrow your focus and concentrate on a smaller segment, thus yielding more engagement from your audience. 

Let us know what you think! We wish you all the luck in becoming a niche leader!