How is Generation Alpha Using Technology?

2 min read,

Gen Alpha is a generation of kids who were navigating their way around YouTube before they were out of diapers, and they will soon dethrone Millennials and Gen-Z as the go-to consumer segment for big brands. It is no surprise that we have all been concerned with the impact the Internet will have on the younger generations. 

America’s newest generation, dubbed Generation Alpha, is younger than 12 but can already out-text and out-post their tech-savvy Millennial parents. While Millennials have experienced the influence of the Internet in their late youth, their children are experiencing an entirely different childhood. Our conducted research has shown that only 2% of Gen Alpha kids are not using any type of technology, while the parents believe that the average age a child should get a smartphone is 12.

Gen Alpha parents say technology has positively impacted their kids’ social relationships.

In general, Gen Alpha parents say technology has positively impacted their kids’ social relationships. The research has shown that 24% of Gen Alpha kids spend more time with their friends online than in person, while 54% of Gen Alpha parents say tech helps their kids connect with other kids in a positive way.

However, as Gen Alpha ages, the likelihood of a worsening relationship with parents increases, and the likelihood of preferring in-person time with friends decreases.

.ME wanted to know more about how this generation uses technology, so we commissioned an independent study of more than 500 parents of Generation Alpha kids to look at how technology is affecting Gen Alpha relationships, academics, and social challenges.

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