How Apple Managed To F*ck Maps Up
Yay, the new iOS 6 is here, as well as the new iPhone! The iPhone itself is pretty much open for discussion. Personally, I’m not a big fan of it and I think that upgrading from 3G to 3GS (the same goes for 4 to 4S) was a much bigger step than upgrading from 4S to iPhone 5.
However, regardless of the actual device you’re holding, you’re going to use the apps, the iOS on it. If you haven’t already, please wait before upgrading to iOS 6 because you just might regret it. Apple dismissed Google Maps from iOS 6 and introduced us to Apple Maps – and they couldn’t even dream about the negative feedback they’re getting right now.
Dear Customers…
…try out Bing Maps, Google Maps (via the web interface) or Nokia maps. Yeah, the situation is so bad that even Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, wrote a letter and urged you to try out alternative maps apps. Yes, they have failed in making world-class products (start of the letter). They fell short, Cook continues, and they are working at their best to make this right.
Apple has had big plans for their map application; turn-by-turn navigation, voice integraton, flyover, vector-based maps… and that’s the reason why they’ve decided to make their own app. However, why did they have to remove Google Maps app? Too much competition? Who knows, but Apple has put itself into a pretty awkward position.
We Deny To Help
Apple has enemies, enemies like Google, Nokia, Microsoft. Many times, Apple defied to help them in need – remember why Flash isn’t available on iOS devices and that whole Apple/Adobe thing? The things are different now and Apple might be the one that needs a break. But will the competitors give in?
Eric Schmidt says they’re working closely with Apple to get Maps back on track – but what if Google suddenly changes its mind?
That’s it Apple, you kicked us out – you didn’t want *us*, now we don’t want you! We don’t want to provide you with Google Maps maps, applications or any other kind of help!
Think this scenario isn’t possible?
Why would Microsoft and Nokia want to help Apple? They should focus on Windows Phone and their Bing/Nokia maps and perfect them – now is their chance – and leave Apple to be “inspirational”, “innovative” and “revolutionary” as it has always been.