Hiring Process Turns Smart with Zocket

7 min read,

Estimated reading time: around 6 minutes

Hiring the right people can be extremely difficult. There is a number of things to take in mind, from the actual set of soft and technical skills a certain candidate has, to their personality and how well they would fit into the company culture.

A bad hire can damage the company more than most of us would presume. In fact, U.S. Department of Labor estimates a mishire can cost the company up to 30% of that individual’s first year earnings. While the financial impact is indeed quantifiable, we must not forget about the impact on productivity and morale, too.

In the last couple of decades tables have turned a bit. We have shifted from candidates job hunting to recruiters talent hunting.

HR officers are now battling for the next generation workforce. The famous generation Z, also known as digital natives, is coming of age and they are known for their creative minds, great ambitious fueled by the values of the widespread startup culture, and a strong problem-solving mindset.

But, we all know people are much more than what CV shows about them. So, how can you ensure you’re hiring the best person? Well, Zocket (zocket.me) can help you out here.

What is Zocket and How it All Started

Zocket was founded in 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The gathered team wanted to provide a simpler, more effective way for companies to find and hire the right talented people. After all, choosing the right person for a certain job position is delicate and a lot of pieces of the puzzle have to match and naturally fall in together.

At Zocket, the team is passionate about humanizing the candidate experience and bringing the individuals back in the picture. Because in the end – you are hiring a person, not a blank set of skills listed on paper.

Zocket was founded in 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The gathered team wanted to provide a simpler, more effective way for companies to find and hire the right talented people.

Every hiring process is multidimensional and at Zocket, they are well aware of the fact. In addition to the team’s expertise, their Talent Attraction services also rely on smart algorithm technology and predictive intelligence, which are wrapped up in a highly visual, user-friendly tool.

Driven by the idea that people are one company’s best asset, Zocket offers the following services:

  • Zocket Powered Platform
  • Candidate experience assessment
  • Zocket life-science (interactive, clickable career journey portal where life-science professionals and companies can meet)

These services are designed to cover all parts of the candidate journey and to ensure companies get matched with the best-fit talents.

What Zocket Powered Platform Can Do for Companies

Zocket Powered Platform offers a variety of useful features to companies so that the employers can get a truly comprehensive overview of their hiring process and existing policies, and then better them.

  • Employer Branding
As an employer, you certainly want to convert job seekers into applicants. However, every hiring process is a two-way street.

It all starts with solid employer branding. Creating an authentic look for the company that correspondents with its values is the key to attracting talent. In that sense, brand consistency plays an important role. Any company that wants to optimize its hiring process needs to think about building their online presence and creating a positive, trustworthy feel around it so that it seems attractive to job seekers. With the support of consultants from Zocket, you can identify gaps in this department and work on improving your employer image.

  • Talent Acquisition

As an employer, you certainly want to convert job seekers into applicants. However, every hiring process is a two-way street. Potential future employees have to fulfill certain requirements, but companies too need to adapt and answer to candidates’ needs. With Zocket’s smart algorithm, it’s possible to shorten the duration of time-to-hire, create a stable pool of candidates, and address all of the hiring needs in the best way there is.

  • Diversity and Internal Mobility

According to research, diverse teams deliver 60% better results compared to non-diverse ones. This piece of statistics shows how employers can benefit from unbiased candidate picking. In the era of political correctness, some companies insist on creating a diverse team at all causes, but this approach isn’t beneficial either. Competence should always come first and Zocket enables you to find the best person, the right way.

Any company that wants to optimize its hiring process needs to think about building their online presence and creating a positive, trustworthy feel around it so that it seems attractive to job seekers.

Internal mobility is another significant factor. It implies continuously encouraging professional growth of your employees. With the platform, you can easily promote your talent and keep track of their progress. All of this can help you gain and maintain your competitive edge and lower your employee turnover rate.

How Candidate Experience Matters

Around 60% of candidates have had a bad experience during their job seeking adventure and the majority have shared it online or directly with their friends and acquaintances. This not only hurts company’s reputation, but it’s also a clear indicator there is room for improvement of the hiring process.

Zocket offers an in-depth assessment of the current candidate experience companies offer in order to help them pinpoint hiccups and decide on where to invest in order to optimize the way applicants interact with their brand.

The team takes candidate experience as the central point of one company’s recruitment strategy. The mentioned assessment consists of four steps:

  • Employer brand scan (defining brand values and analyzing online presence in order to see if it truly represents the company culture, i.e. if it’s designed to attract talent that will feel like they’re at home when in the office)

  • Application process (through the power of mystery applications, Zocket identifies the points where you are potentially losing candidates and lists all the holes in the process that need fixing)

  • Candidate survey (gathering detailed feedback from past candidates who have already applied at the company)

  • Bias checkup (identify whether you have gender, age or insider bias and come up with a way to achieve a more balanced talent audience, if that is something that could be beneficial)

Zocket’s team of professionals ensures that your brand DNA is clearly seen and felt throughout all of company channels, that your risk areas are properly addressed and your processes properly documented. Shortly put, they have all the necessary expertise to create a set of recommendations based on various types of analysis and help businesses hire people who will make a difference.

By utilizing data and smart matching algorithms, Zocket turns the hiring process into a smart one. It goes beyond traditional methods of hiring that include expert screening of the candidate, and offers science-based personality tests with in-depth analysis of applicants’ needs, such as flexibility and work-life balance.

We thank Zocket for having trust in .ME as their online home. It’s always an honor to serve this type of innovative companies who are not afraid to change wholesome industries and be disruptive and progressive.

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Marketing Manager, FourDots