HigherEd.Me – Platform For Study Abroad Opportunities

5 min read,

Studying abroad is probably one of the most precious experiences a young person can have during that truly fantastic stage of life. Besides being exposed to foreign culture, living in a new country, a semester abroad can do wonders for your CV. And while studying abroad teaches you to abandon your comfort zone, looking for the opportunities to study abroad required a lot of time and effort if you were to find the right program and university.

HigherEd.Me, a platform that matches schools and universities worldwide to students who want to study abroad, changed the game. And the best part? Students can use the platform for FREE.

Let’s see how it works!

French Startup: Study Abroad

highered.me study abroad platform

Founded in 2015, this game-changing startup based in France has a quite straightforward mission – help students get in touch with educational institutions across the globe that can offer amazing study abroad programs to them.

Think of HigherEd.Me as a reverse educational marketplace where the roles are turned – students create a profile and choose the type of the study abroad project (language course, summer school, Bachelor or Master degree etc.), and schools contact them directly with an offer.

Sign-up process

highered.me study abroad platform

The whole sign-up process is very user-friendly, intuitive, and quick to complete. To create an account, students go through several steps:

  • First, choose the Student option to register
  • Choose a continent(s) where you want to study (If you’re not sure, you can choose up to three continents)
  • Choose a specific country(ies) (If you’re not sure, you can choose up to three different locations)
  • Select up to three fields of study out of 14 categories
  • Define the study field more precisely and select the language you want to study in
  • Define the time you would like to spend studying abroad
  • State how many months will it take for you to choose a study project
  • State what is your available budget for the study program (students need to take into account the costs of tuition, housing, travel costs, living expenses, etc. At this moment, HigherEd.Me does not give scholarships. They only match universities with students.) 
  • Say what is your current study level and where you come from
  • Provide an email and create a password

As easy as that!

Strong profile

These details are essential and all students can complete their profiles with more information. HigherEd.Me highly recommends adding as many details as possible to create a strong profile. The more information you include, the more visible you are to schools. Adding info like your current academic status, academic background, languages you speak, and documents you possess increases your chances of being offered a study abroad program more quickly.

HigherEd.Me, a platform that matches schools and universities worldwide to students who want to study abroad.

One part that can particularly help you nail the best offer is the Project and Motivations section. Here you have the chance to present yourself in the best possible light, say why you want to study abroad, and explain why you are and will be a great student. 

When a school goes through the list of students they would like to invite, a good motivation letter will make the cut.

School offers

Finally, when a university or school sends an offer, students receive a notification email and SMS. The student can then either:

The sign-up process is easy, fast, and free. After completing their profile, students receive offers from schools via email and SMS.

(1) Say that they are not interested in the offer, or 

(2) Say that they are interested. At that point, the student’s contact details are sent to the school which then contacts them directly.

Every time a school wants to send an offer to a student, HigherEd.Me asks for the student’s approval to share their information with the school first.

Value for schools and universities

highered.me study abroad platform

Students are not the only ones that benefit from being on this platform.

For a reasonable price, universities and schools can join the platform and improve their chances of becoming a more recognizable international study point. Unfairly, a lot of institutions are not listed in the popular records of international study programs because of many different reasons. Even if they can offer great study conditions, they simply slip through the cracks and have to invest a lot of money in advertising and marketing. 

All this can change by registering a school account which then enables institutions to offer their study programs to students who want to spend some time studying abroad. The additional value is that they can select candidates who fit their requirements, send them a contact request, and wait to see if the student is interested in continuing the discussion. 

For a reasonable price, universities and schools can join the platform and improve their chances of becoming a more recognizable international study point.

By being able to find possible candidates for their international programs, schools get the chance to attract more students and work on their reputation. If they provide a great study experience to more students, the good word about the school’s programs will spread fast, increasing its visibility.

With this account, universities and schools have access to a dashboard where they can see published students’ wishes which they can filter by destination choice or study fields and find more information about the students.

Match made

highered.me study abroad platform

The education industry is always looking for innovative solutions such as the one created by HigherEd.Me. Their reverse educational marketplace for students and schools has great potential and can help both sides benefit by creating great study abroad matches.

So, what do you think about studying abroad? 🙂

Marketing Manager, FourDots