C’mon, Give the Gift of Supporting Your Favorite App/Startup

2 min read,

That iPhone game that makes you smile after a hard days work. That web application that helps run your business on a daily basis. It’s Christmas, Hanuka… The holidays are upon us and you’re hopefully taking a little time to spend with your loved ones: friends, family etc.

With a little more luck we all have the chance to tell them how much we care about them and what they mean in our lives. There are some other people whose work we actually cherish but that we rarely really appreciate for what it is. I’m talking about the hundreds if not thousands of great digital products we use throughout the year.

Developers spent months coding them, designers worked on each pixel in details, the founders gave their hearts and souls to realize them. From iPhone apps to developer platforms, it was all crafted by people like you and me. We ignore their requests to review their apps and forget to answer their questions on Facebook. It might be presentify.me or link.me

Not this year. After your nice holiday lunch and opening the gifts you have gotten, you’re going to go to your computer or mobile device and do one simple thing: give the gift of supporting the ones that support what you do throughout the year. Go on. Get those milk and cookies the developers have left you and leave them the best thing you can. The kind words of a person using their work to make something astonishing! 🙂