The ’90s Are Back And Upside Down: GIFs Are Offline And Photo Booths Are Online

Event organizing is a tough job, especially theses days. You can search the internet and find hundreds and hundreds of original and fun ideas, but the competition is tough and it’s hard to stand out. What you need is to animate the crowd and make them interact, if possible, in real life and online alike. A Hungary-based company found a way to make this happen by taking one of the favorite online formats – the GIF – and making them come true offline.
In short, is an animated photo booth that creates custom animated selfies at the push of a button. Maybe it is not at the length of your arm, but it is a selfie, and on the plus side animated one! Due to its simple, intuitive experience using Gifie does not require any assistance at all. You sit or stand in front of it, click the button and smile or make faces, your pick. That way you can create a tailor made experience for your guests that will animate them at the same time.
Gifie is great promotional tool for marketers to reach their audience on the spot in an engaging way while prompting social sharing. With their white-label design they enable you to create a unique experience both in terms of the photos and in terms of the booth design. Since the boot is literally a blank canvas, they can wrap the it in custom vinyl to compliment your event, or create a custom backdrop for an even more personalised look. The booth is small enough to fit in a 2×2 m² area but big enough to attract everyone’s attention.
Once it’s turned on, you can get people queuing to get their own photos taken. After they have taken their pictures, they can print as many copies as they want or share them via email, SMS or social networks. All photos are uploaded to the website in real time from where you can share them or save a digital copy. If you are an Instagram user you will love their GIF to video converter. However, if you have a private event you can opt for the private event solution, and they will keep your photos password protected and not visible to the public.
Having photo booth at events is not a new thing, however has advantage over others – their photos are actually animated gifs so the end product is literally animated. So if you are in Hungary and you need something fun for your event or party, you have no excuses not to rent them. Effie awards and Sziget festival have already taken this opportunity!