GetAbout.Me: A Free Infographic of Your Facebook Profile Tells You if You’re a Web Influencer or a Dweeb

3 min read,

Infographics are one of the most popular ways to present facts about a service, industry or anything else. They’ve become the most used tool for presenting numeral data and if packed in a nice design, infographics can get viral just as any other video or image.

Our very own Nataša created an infographic about Domain.Me – check it out! Actually, even you can create an infographic – about yourself! GetAbout.Me is a free online service which will create the infographic from your Facebook profile! Let’s check it out!

Get Up And About

To see your Facebook profile in a form of a infographic, telling you how many statuses you’ve written in the last year, how many links you’ve posted or how many photos you’ve shared, you’ll have to grant GetAbout.Me access to your Facebook profile. Ever wanted to know how many likes you’ve got or how many posts were left with no likes or comments? Who your top commenters are?


GetAbout.Me will show you all of that data and even more – it will analyze when you are most active, by the day of the week and by the time of the content. You’ll also find out the male/female ratio of your friends as well as the percentage of your friends by star signs! Back to you – do you know what was the furthest check-in you’ve done in the last year? GetAbout.Me knows.

Creating The Infographic About You!

Open up GetAbout.Me – you’ll have to login with your Facebook account. GetAbout.Me will only read your data and ask for a permission to update your Wall – you can skip that permission if you’d like. However, once you connect GetAbout.Me to your Facebook profile, you’ll have to like it if you’d like to get two more reports; about you and your social network (the most interesting part, to be honest) and more about you.


Once you’ve liked it, check the checkboxes and click Generate reports. Depending on the volume of reports being generated, you might have to wait some time to get it, but it should be over in about a minute or two. If not, refresh or try again. Either way, once you click the button, you’ll see a progress bar with all the information being processed.

When the infographic is finished, it will be private and you’ll get an email with the direct link to it. You can share it publicly by checking the box at the top of the page. This is pretty thoughtful; you might want to check your infographic yourself before sending it out to the world of the Internet.


Every infographic comes with a Social Grade – it’s a reflection of what impact you have on your social network and how much of your content is being useful and interesting to others. The infographic is also divided into 3 parts:

  • My Last 12 Months;
  • About Me And My Social Network, and;
  • More About Me.

Now, if you want to see your Facebook profile from a whole different viewpoint, try out GetAbout.Me. Who would ever have thought that the statistics would be so interesting and fun, right?