Get Ready for the Programming Day!

3 min read,

This May couldn’t be more exciting – we are having a 10th birthday party! 🙂 And of course, we are as happy as a ten-year-old, looking at how much we grew up and how much have we achieved! This is a perfect time to look back into everything we’ve accomplished so far and acknowledge how mature we’ve got over the past ten years.

We are extremely proud of the fact that since the birth of, we’ve always believed the most important thing is the knowledge we pass onto young generations. From the beginning, we wanted to help young people get educated in areas connected to the fast change of technology through organizing programming schools for the most talented and hard-working children, as well as supporting efforts of other organizations to promote the importance of robotics, science, and engineering.

The best part is that this year is not about a birthday only. It is also about the 10th year of our Summer Programming School, which attendees outgrew all the expectations we had for them! The ones from the first generations are now Ph.D. Oxford students, successful business people, and some of the most prominent entrepreneurs in the region. In honor of our celebration of their achievements, we are organizing the Programming Day.

programming day

What is the Programming Day?

Programming day is a day dedicated to everyone who wants to know a programming language, regardless of what they want to be when they grow up, and whether they are 9 or 99 years old. We think that every future profession will need to understand basics of programming. The Programming Day will take place on Monday, May 14, from 12:00 – 18:30 in Delta City, Podgorica, Montenegro.

What can you expect at the Programming Day?

We invited students from 15 Montenegrin cities to take part in the Programming Day event. Of course, the event is open for everyone thirsty for knowledge about programming skills. The whole event consists of six different workshops, which will be held simultaneously. The workshops will last for one hour and the participants will switch hourly so that everyone gets a chance to attend all six workshops.

All six workshops are centered around programming. They include:

  • CodeWeek basic programming
  • CodeWeek advanced programming
  • FIRST LEGO League basic programming
  • FIRST LEGO League advanced programming
  • Domain programming workshop
  • Demonstration of VR / AR.

We also organized the online competition of programming – the Domain Cup, and the winners of the Domain Cup will be given valuable prizes at the event.

Besides workshops, the visitors will be able to visit booths and hear presentations from the representatives of Montenegrin faculties.

The partners of the Programming Day are the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Economy, Crnogroski Telekom, University of Montenegro, Alicorn,, CodeWeek, Internet Society, Young Investors of Montenegro, Fleka, and Logate.

We believe that by visiting our Programming Day, attendees will be able to learn through play and experience the power of programming. Don’t miss your chance of diving into the beautiful world of science. 





Content Manager, Alicorn