FormSpring.ME Among Leading Social Networking Websites in the USA

1 min read,

Editor’s note: Since writing this article, FormSpring.ME has moved locations. We wish FormSpring much luck on their journey! However, you can read our story about a similar .MEr here.

According to the ComScore report, FormSpring.ME is among the top six  social network sites in the USA. This question /answer exchange network, was started in November 2009 by Ade Olonoh and immediately became very popular (2 billion responses so far). What is more interesting, this is the only social network on the list which uses .ME as a primary domain name. FormSpring.ME is also the most visited dotME domain and throughout the last year it had between 55 and 65 million unique visitors per month and joined Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, Twitter and Tumblr as one of the giants which reformed social media space. It would be very interesting to track their further progress.

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