Flavors.me Gets a Completely New Design with a Social Stream and Mobile Interface

2 min read,

If you’ve ever wanted to make a website for yourself, the one that would work like your online business card, you’ve probably come across Flavors.me. This great service allows you to create a simple website with information about you and your interests in a few steps.

A few days back, Flavors.me got a new design… skratch that, Flavors.me just got a completely new engine! Let’s take a look at what’s new over at Flavors.me!

Themes, Themes, Themes!

First thing you’ll be asked when you log into your Flavors.me profile is to update to the new system. Just click Update, you won’t be sorry. One of the biggest visual changes are the new themes and layouts: a total 13 of them, some are new and some are old. Combined with new themes, you can now choose whether you’ll use a panel or a column layout on your profile.

Panel or columns? You choose!

Along with new themes and fonts, Flavors.me has gotten the ability to feature full-screen photos and videos.

Social Stream

Flavors.me got its social network dimension and it is calling it Social Stream. If you have some people you’d like to keep a close eye on, just put them in your Social Stream. One of the greatest options in the Social Stream is the ability to choose which activity you want to follow for each single person. Please Facebook, implement this ASAP!

Options for your Social Stream

Oh, and now everything is on Flavors.me; if you want to take a look at my Flickr stream, you’ll view it right from my Flavors.me profile, instead of being taken to the Flickr site.

Mobile Flavors

And the last big item in the Flavors.me 2.0 is its availability on mobile devices. This allows you to use a special mobile layout for your profile where you’ll be able to specify the design for mobile devices. I should note that Flavors.me works on a freemium model and that the mobile layout is available for paid users only.

Flavors.me pricing

If you haven’t already, take a look at Flavors.me and watch this introductory video showing you what else is new:

[vimeo width=”555″ height=”312″]http://vimeo.com/32789245[/vimeo]