A Blog for Coffee Lovers by a Coffee Lover

3 min read,

A lot of people, including myself, can’t start off their day without a cup of Joe. Espresso, filtered, french-press or instant, it really jump-starts your brain when you smell that wonderful, mouth-watering aroma in the morning. The smells and taste come together like a beautiful cantata- speaking of which, Bach did in fact compose a cantata about this caffeinated nectar, so it’s only natural that there should be a coffee blog too. If you are a coffee lover, enthusiast, pro or amateur coffee drinker, get better acquainted withthe wonderful world of brewing with

Wakey, Wakey!

You might have already guessed from the domain name that this blog is all about coffee- and filter coffee at that. If you didn’t get that from the name, a blog post titled Dr Strangebrew or: How I Learned to Stop Making Espresso and Love the Filter. Long story short, disillusioned with a spanking new Espresso machine, the author turned to a simpler and underestimated coffe brewing method. But here’s how Lindsay, the author, describes the blog: is  a dedication to coffee making in its most simplest, elegant and delicious form. Created by Lindsay Adams, a coffee shop customer looking for the opportunity to share the knowledge that has previously been shared by so many dedicated local baristas. Based in Perth, Western Australia, the site is focused on Australian resources and suppliers, and attempts to turn the coffee drinking populace toward an awesome alternative – filtered black coffee! No milk!


If you are thinking ofvan ancient filter coffe machine dripping brown muck in a dingy office somewhere, think again. There is an art to making perfect filter coffee, recipes, equipment, and probably an elaborate formula that involves bean size and π. 

The Amazing World of Coffee

So how do you start brewing your own prefect filter coffee? Well, for starters you visit this blog and see what equipment you need, depending on whether this is your first brew,  if you want to level up in the coffe making game or  if you want to experiment and win a Nobel prize for the best and most inventive cup of coffee (they have those, don’t they?).

You can also check the FAQ section to learn the coffee making lingo and get some theoretical background. Did you go over it? Well, now, young padwan, you are ready to start brewing.

brew 1

Apparently there are different ways to do that, and  Lindsay  explains them all in detail, describing the equipment, ingredients, timing, and of course, the method. And when you get the brewing right, it is time to step into another adventure- picking the right cofffe. The reviews of different coffee sorts

Keep in mind that the author is based in Australia, so some of the info will be more helpful if you are a Perth local as well. On the Local Brews page, you can visit several coffee shops sites and pages, some of t which have their home made brews you can purchase. There is also a good list of places where you can buy coffee or equipment necessary for the brewing. That way you can start your home making voyage with something else than generic products from your local supermarket.




Start Brewing! is a nice coffee gem. Or better to say bean. If you prefer your daily coffee update in 140 characters or less, there is also an associated Twitter account.

So what are you waiting for? Get brewing!


Content Writer, Freelancer