Get Your Deserved Sleep On The Road With FaceCradle.Me

8 min read,

Do you ever get that feeling that you could easily work an 8-hour shift, but traveling for half as much takes you out instantly, and you feel all wobbly and tired, even though you only sat in the same place for a few hours? If you know the feeling, there is a solution.

FaceCradle.ME is a travel pillow that will make your travels a breeze, and it’s loaded with some pretty smart napping features most of us will enjoy. This way you can feel less tired, and enjoy your travels better. But still, why are we tired? We rounded up some of the best explanations we could find, so you know why you feel the way you do.

Reason: You’re pretty far up

It’s Often Really, Really Boring

Well this one comes right off the top of the bat, right? Traveling alone and without anything (or anyone) to occupy your time is often one of the more dull things you can do, provided you don’t have any means of entertaining yourself whilst going places.

Sitting around and waiting for something to happen can put a lot of stress on your mind, as the process of the waiting itself is extremely tiresome, with some cases even noting anxiety attacks while waiting for the subway or at the doctor’s office.


So, it’s the waiting that makes long train or bus rides extremely punishing to your body, right? Well, not quite. You see, even though waiting seems to be the most boring thing ever, the actual time we’re waiting may have little to do with how long the wait feels, as explained in the paper The Psychology of Waiting Lines by David Maister.

The biggest reason waiting is boring is that people want to get started when they arrive somewhere. That’s why restaurants give you a menu while you wait, and occupying yourself a little goes a long way.

Also, one of the reasons waiting sucks is that you never really know how long it’ll last. The same applies to trips, and while you have an idea of the time you’ll arrive, there’s always traffic, setbacks, late buses and all that, and the feeling of uncertainty, boredom, and bad seating combine to make you more unhappy.

A lot of us has the problem of not being able to put up with waiting, as evidenced by anyone ever waiting for anything at all and growing insane when the wait isn’t over in a few minutes. This isn’t strictly a thing about traveling, but rather anything we do. A study has shown that we will even abandon websites if they aren’t opened in a few seconds, so imagine how does waiting to get from one side of the country to another feel.

Wish all waiting rooms had beds?

Waiting in lines is not so different than waiting to get somewhere, so the main reasons we feel bad while traveling are simply because we don’t have much to do, except to sit and watch the scenery pass by. Boredom and frustration combine to bring an unpleasant experience, and that’s all if you don’t count fellow travelers that can be pretty tiring too if you get what we mean.

It Strains Your Body A Lot

Have you ever tried standing for a few hours without sitting down? It’s not a great experience, and the reason why is that your body needs to make subtle adjustments to keep you in whichever position you want to be, except when you’re laying down. That makes your legs hurt more than walking, and you’re simply standing in one place.

There’s more to that, of course. Aside from the activity of standing in one place being a lot of work for a few muscles, the fact that you’re standing leaves your legs with no resting period – they’re always supporting your body while walking shifts your weight, so you’re more tired just by standing than by moving.

The same goes for traveling. Because of the different means of transportation, you’re never really relaxed when you travel. The lack of relaxation is most noticeable in airplanes, with airplane seats notorious for being extremely miserable. If you spend a lot of time in an uncomfortable position, the strain on your muscles is more noticeable to you than the strain put on by regular activities. Because bus and plane seats are designed to save costs as much as they can, only essential care is given to the ergonomics.

All seats are also designed to make the most out of the space in the vehicle, and they’re getting smaller and smaller, thus also making them more and more uncomfortable.

Look at this unbearable level of comfort right here

Another thing to consider, especially when it comes to airplanes, is that you’re actually tired from being so far up, so even if there weren’t any bad seats, you’d still feel weird. This is related to the pressure that makes your body all kinds of strange. We’re talking about

  • Headache
  • Body and joint pain
  • Feeling of being out of breath
  • Fatigue

There’s more: if you’re travelling by bus, there’s a big chance that you won’t be able to sleep because you won’t be able to find a good position that doesn’t make your arms and/or legs hurt, and the sheer amount of things going on can be extremely distracting for your brain as it tries to adapt and ignore it. This is called Directed attention fatigue, and it’s as real as daylight.

Described as the continuous usage of the brain’s inhibitory attention mechanisms, it is based on the struggle your senses make to keep you focused. That’s because your brain focuses on a thought or a process by inhibiting all distractions and not by strengthening that activity, and that makes for some simple math :

More things happening around you = less ability to focus on a single one + fatigue

Not everyone can sleep everywhere

What can you do about it?

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is probably to try and travel in the most comfortable form of transportation available, but that isn’t a viable opportunity for a lot of us. Instead, we’d advise you to check out FaceCradle.ME, and the genius Face Cradle travel pillow. Sure, there’s a lot of pillows out there, and a lot of them are actually pretty good, but we doubt any one of them has the appeal of this one.


This pillow doesn’t actually look a whole lot like a pillow, but instead like a strange horseshoe-shaped contraption with a carrying strap. The way it works is that it lets you adjust the pillow to your desired mode, by simply locking its two parts into place. There’s even a strap that lets you fixate the pillow to your headrest and jump into some pretty deep slumber wherever you are.

Get Some Sleep On The Road

The pillow is configurable into five modes, sorted by the depth of the sleep you’re in for, as well as the duration of your trip. The modes are:

  •         Dozing mode, that gives you the standard “U” shape of every other neck pillow, so you can get comfortable on short trips and ease the strain on your neck.
  •         Snoozing mode, that you get by locking the pillows at an angle, that allows you to tilt your head to the side and support it, and snooze accordingly.
  •         Table nap mode, so you can take a nap on a table, desk, or a flat surface of any kind
  •         And two deep sleep modes, that are the real highlight of this pillow. You put the strap behind your headrest and suspend your head onto the pillow. The gentle rocking motion will put you to sleep instantly, and you won’t bother anyone in front or behind your seat.

Deep sleep on a plane or bus is something we never thought was possible, but the FaceCradle combines the usability of a regular travel pillow with some pretty smart and revolutionary features that let you sleep through the most boring trips with ease. Combine the pillow with some good music on your phone, and you can travel anywhere with no worries.

If you’re planning a trip, and you don’t want it to be tiring and make you want to cry out of boredom, give Face Cradle pillow a try, and we think that you won’t see travel the same way ever again.