Impress Your Website Visitors With Cool Videos Using Explain.Me

5 min read,

Brands are having more and more trouble when it comes to converting people, and that’s a fact. There’s so much more to marketing today than there was just a few years ago, and those who aren’t up to the task of adapting are getting left behind by those who try harder. One of the things that’s getting more and more convenient for brands is video, and today we’ll be talking about how you can use it to help yourself get better conversion rates.

The art of making videos that attract customers and help them convert is where Explain.ME comes into play. Being a site that’s centered around the process of making your thoughts easy for others to understand, it lets you divide them into sections that can then be used by others to understand you better. For example, it can be a great tool for you to use when you’re pitching a potential project to your coworkers.

Using videos as a way to promote your content isn’t really all that new, and we’ve been doing it since TV started being a thing. Commercials are still here and we’re getting bombarded with advertising for products on our TV screens today more than we have been ever before. The conversion rates of those video promotions certainly aren’t high, but they’re not going away anytime soon. Still, both brands and agencies have learned that it’s more important to give the customers value, and not just products that are thrown in their face.

Videos Simply Make Sense

That’s why there are more and more ideas on how to incorporate videos into your branding and marketing strategy so that you as a brand can get more conversions and better reactions from people.

[su_box title=”Explain.ME can be a great tool for you to use when you’re pitching a potential project to your coworkers.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small left”][/su_box] Videos are the cream of the crop in content marketing, and even though you can make pretty great written content, it’s a video that’s going to resonate more with customers. Studies have shown that there’s up to 85% more chance for potential customers to be converted to paying ones if there’s a quality video on the website that they’re keen on buying from. This isn’t just about YouTube and the empire that it created. We’re talking about videos that are produced by your brand and shared through your social media channels and websites, or on conferences and meetings. It’s just much easier to explain things if you’re watching videos, rather than reading words, and for a few reasons:

  • Some of us simply are not the “reading type”, which means some people don’t like reading a lot of text,
  • Video usually takes less time to consume,
  • You can say more in less time.

Getting Your Ideas Out There Easily

There are tons of reasons more for why you should be thinking about video, but usually, it revolves around giving customers something informative in a short time period that can help them regardless of their decision to continue with the buyer’s journey or not. This means that they will associate your brand with something interesting they’ve seen and perhaps return again in a few days or weeks.

There’s also the fact that more than 90% of people share videos with their friends over messaging apps if the video is something they enjoy. This means that an interesting video can do more for your brand than hundreds of written words, which is something you should really consider. Good videos will also improve your SEO, and provide you with a better appeal to your customers. But it all comes down to the video being good.

[su_box title=”Explain.ME will take your visual materials, such as your gifs and logos, and make them into a cool-looking video demonstration, coupled with a nice voiceover.” box_color=”#ffffff” class=”trap small right”][/su_box]

When it comes to good videos, you can start with Explain.ME, a service that aims to ease all of the troubles of presenting your ideas and product demos by simply doing them for you. There’s going to be times when people will simply wonder how do your products and services work, and that’s where you’ll be able to use Explain.ME to, well, explain it better. The service will take your visual materials, such as your gifs and logos, and make them into a cool-looking video demonstration, coupled with a nice voiceover. Then you’ll get your new video in HD so that it’s ready to upload to the platform of your choice, be it YouTube, Vimeo or your own website.

You’ll have great-looking videos, and you also won’t have to go through the hassle of editing and voicing them yourself, which will leave time for you to do other things. With dozens of clients ranging from Microsoft to Bridgestone, Explain.ME is probably the best choice for making cool informative videos for your brand.

Try them out today!