Everything.Me: A No-App Approach to Mobile Search

3 min read,

You’re a huge fan of Lady Gaga? Or free HTML5 web games? Or maybe you’re in a new neighborhood looking for a great sushi restaurant? Up until now, you’ve had several applications installed on your smartphone and you’d look for something that you don’t have the right app for.

Everything.Me just came out in public beta so you’ll never have to use any other app for searching on your smartphone. The team says it’s an entirely new approach to mobile search that instantly gives you everything you need as an app. Really? Let’s see what’s it all about.

The Everything Project

Smartphones are great, and a countless number of applications for them are even better. The problem is that they are too specific; they’re practically useless in some situations. If Foursquare could be combined with Instagram, maybe they would be more useful.

Everything.Me is something along those lines – it’s basically a mobile search engine with combined powers of every possible online service you can think of. If you want to see Foursquare recommendations near you, Everything.Me will show you exactly that.

Everything.Me interface

Search for “Lady Gaga” – the results you’ll get include its homepage, YouTube channel, iTunes downloads, Grooveshark, Wikipedia article, free wallpapers, Yahoo! News on Lady Gaga etc. Even the background image will change.

HTML5 Magic

If you’re looking for the Everthing.Me app for your phone, you can stop right now – there is none. Everything.Me is a HTML5 app optimized for viewing on your phone and once you allow it to locate you, it will become a powerful search engine in your pocket.

Yep, it’s a HTML5 mobile app

This no-app approach is actually pretty logical for this kind of service. Everything.Me wants to be your new search engine, helping you find whatever information you need across many services and across different contexts. Limiting it to an app, or even worse – an app for a single platform would be counter-productive.

Want In?

One of the results for specific “Lady Gaga” search was Perez Hilton, a popular celebrity blog. Actually, Everything.Me is currently open and accepting submission for listing your site in their results. Check out their site for more information and get in touch.

Give Everything.Me a try, chances are that this will be the future of the search. It makes sense if you think about it; when you look for something on the Internet, you’ll probably stay on the first page of the results. Mobile search is all about getting information quickly, so Everything.me’s team might be up on something. When you look for Lady Gaga on Google on your smartphone, you’re not interested in millions of results. You’re interested in finding the most relevant results – ASAP!