Everything.Me Interview With Ami Ben David: Making Your Smartphone Really Smart

3 min read,

Editor’s note: Since writing this article, Everything.Me has ceased to operate. This post remains as part of their legacy. However, you can read our story about a similar .MEr here.


This week we bring to you interview with Ami Ben David, cofounder of Everything.me. At the head of next smartphone revolution, their Dynamyc Phone™ platform essentially customizes your phone for you, so you don’t have to. Born in Israel, Ami started his career at Aladdin Knowledge Systems, and through course of his life relocated to London, where he founded Ki-Bi Mobile Technologies Ltd. Now let’s jump to2010 and founding of DoAT, which brings us to Everything.me.

What gave you and the rest of the co-founders the idea for the Everything.me?

The inspiration behind Everything.me was, interestingly enough, the famous Apple quote “There’s an app for just about anything”. I was thinking, if that was true, why do I really only use the same 10 apps all the time? Where are all the other millions of apps when I need them? We thought a smartphone HAS to be smarter than that, so why can’t it just get me everything I need, exactly when I need it? And so we built Everything.me to do exactly that.

How did you get your team together?


Myself and Rami Kasterstein (one of the other co-founders) have known each other for years, and are very close friends. When we started Everything.me in 2010 we got Joey Simhon to be our third co-founder and CTO. For a pretty long time we were quite the small team, but in the last year we’ve grown and we now have around 60 employees: front-end developers, engine and backend engineers, our Android team, marketing and community management and of course our ever-expending content department with people from over 13 countries around the world.

What makes Everything.me (and the Dynamic Phone™ platform) stand out from the competition?

dynamic phone

The field of the contextual phone has beem heating up in the past weeks, but the truth is that the challenge of making a phone that really understands you and anticipates your needs is a very complex engineering challenge. Understanding a few preset “modes” is not the same as really getting users what they need when they need it, in every moment. We have more than 2 years of development behind us, and about 50 engineers working to develop the state of the art algorithms required to make a truly contextual phone.

So far, how are users responding to the product?

The most common word we hear from our users is “love”. With around 1.5 million downloads, our users form a pretty lively community that constantly gives us feedback and ideas that we then evaluate and try to integrate in our product. It’s a real satisfaction to create a product that users love and engage with so much.

Any plans for upgrades in the near future?


We release a new version every few weeks, and we have big plans for Everything.me. As we continue to make it better and better you can be sure that big things are afoot.

And this is it for this interview. If you are intrigued by Dynamic Phone™ platform, be sure to check out Everything.me site!

Content Writer, Freelancer