9 Digital Resolutions You Should Stick To In 2015

6 min read,

Eeek! 2015 is so close we can almost taste it! With that, we often come with New Year’s resolutions that we either fail at, forget or successfully achieve. Eat healthier, exercise more, rekindle old friendships, get a job etc. It is easy to think of those, but what resolutions should you make when it comes to digital? Truth is, you need them, especially if you are reading this. That means you have internet connection and the probability of you having social media profiles, emails and blogs/websites is pretty high. Being present digitally online is almost equal to being present in person. So what you can do to make your digital environment better? Make some digital resolutions!

Increase Online Visibility

Building a reliable reputation and providing viewers with the information they’re searching for are critical factors in SEO success. When relevant metadata is missing and content isn’t regularly updated or added, a website can appear old and inactive. If a site lies dormant, search rank decreases, and you know that the majority of users never look past the first page of search results. Organic search is the leading force of traffic to websites. If companies fail to optimize their websites, potential traffic and conversions are lost.

Take Care of Your Website

happy new year clock

Today’s consumers expect nothing less than easy-to-navigate, clean and responsive websites. You only have few seconds to make an impression. Although a website that hasn’t been re-imagined for a few years may not be considered outdated, it is important to pay attention to new programs and tools. Neglecting these updates could prevent your website from performing at its best, enabling competitors to steal your opportunities. Slow loading pages, broken links and outdated graphics can make for a poor reputation.

No Really, Take Care of Your Website

Your content and foundation may be solid, but a few minor changes can freshen up the entire user experience. Updating a current website can include adding new graphics, implementing a change in functionality or even tweaking the logo. When it comes to a website’s appearance, majority of customers trust the design. That doesn’t mean you need a complete makeover, but simple adjustments such as refreshing content, using real photos instead of stock images and adding links to social media can make a huge difference.

Blogging is Back!

Well, it never went away, really. In a nutshell, a blog is a great opportunity for customer engagement, producing fresh content for your website and reaching into new markets. Blogging drives more traffic to your website then any other page of your website. Every time you publish a post, it is one more indexed page on your website. More importantly, it shows search engines that your website is active, resulting in increasing the opportunity of showing up among the first results. Also if you already have a struggling blog, re-purpose it. Pick 5 of your most popular 2014 posts and expand on them.

Listen to Your Customers

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Concentrate on online review sites and social media review features. The influence of other consumers’ experiences and opinions will continue to grow rapidly, thanks to the growth of the number and importance of online review sites. The fact is that consumers trust other consumers more than they trust retailers or businesses. The inclination for consumers to follow other consumers’ leads when it comes to what brands and products to buy is huge. In 2015, marketers need to incorporate user generated content into their marketing efforts.

Be Safe

2014 was will be infamously remembered as a year for cyber security and privacy issues. With security breaches, like still talked about Sony hacking, or widely known Celebgate or Gamergate, not only our most trusted brands were attacked, but our personal space was invaded too . The good news is people are now more aware of online privacy. The bad news is that these attacks look to remain an issue for the foreseeable future. So be safe, read privacy settings on your social media, have a trusted host for your website and update your security databases on regular basis.

Utilize Moblie

You should also resolve to use mobile as a branding platform in 2015. We’ve heard a lot about its potential for direct response, which is definitely a major selling point. Mobile can be used to boost brand image within apps and mobile browsers, and by leveraging data and analytics, it can also provide incredible insight into target audience. The number of mobile-first consumers is constantly on the rise. The rise of new technologies like micro-location and mobile payments, along with the promise of wearables and more personalized experiences, will continue to drive the shift to mobile.

Clean Up Your Social Media Accounts

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Your social media accounts need to show focus, not be cluttered with irrelevant content. Start the New Year by removing anything irrelevant and planning out your social media strategy for the foreseeable future. Brands are starting to realize that customers don’t want to be bombarded with advertising on social media, and now that Facebook is changing its rules (again!) on the platform, digital marketers are going to have to be more creative with their efforts.

For Those Who Are Searching For Work (And The Rest)

Build your personal brand on LinkedIn. Since rolling out the ability to post blogs and articles directly on the LinkedIn platform, many leaders have begun to leverage their knowledge and expertise to further their personal and business brand awareness. Make sure your profile is updated and start planning the types of posts you can contribute on the largest business networking social media site. When you post quality content on LinkedIn, you position yourself as a contributor and build a positive reputation with potential customers or referral sources.

You just went through our 9 digital resolutions for 2015. We hope that you’ll stick to at least one of them. So whatever you do, do not forget that your online digital presence is the extension of the real life you and you need to take care of all of you.

Content Writer, Freelancer