Deliver.Me Is E-mail’s Best Friend

4 min read,

Considering that robots are really all the rage these last couple of years, you can expect a rise in automation systems that slowly take over more and more tasks that usually need an input from a person. Of course, we’re very far from the grim future of science fiction, but you can see technology making its way into things we’ve done a certain way for years, such as email marketing.

Deliver.Me is a platform that aims to rethink email marketing with the help of automation and great tech. We wouldn’t put that idea in our spam folder!

If you’re still not using any tools for emailing, such as the all-popular Mailchimp, you’re probably a part of two very different groups: either you really do not need to use mass-email tools, or you just think that they’re a waste of time, and instead send your emails the old, dull way. But don’t worry, we’ll make you love Deliver.Me in no time.

Love At First Email

Deliver.Me is a tool that lets you send email like you’ve never sent before. Combining an intuitive design, great features and cool new tech, it allows you to send a large number of emails with ease, while making sure those emails look amazing too. It doesn’t matter whether those emails are newsletters, company announcements or marketing tools, you have it all in one app that simply makes you more productive, and your emails gorgeous.

A large number of times you’d receive a great email with good content, but it’s all text. It’s hard to really focus on the content when it looks the way it does, and that’s what Deliver.Me helps you with.

First of all, it’s beautiful. The app itself is encased in a sleek and solid interface that doesn’t torpedo you with meaningless things, and lets you do the thing you’re there to do. You just need to go to the site, and select from a vast number of templates for your emails, depending on your personal preferences. You might need an email with two columns, or just a large YouTube link or a photo – Deliver.Me helps you with all of that. An awesome thing is that if you don’t want to choose a template, you can import your own HTML code into the app and have you very own custom theme for all your email needs.

Tailored Emails? Great For Everyone!

As for the second important part of emails, marketing, Deliver.Me is rather strong on that front too. It has a bunch of features that help you make the most out of every email sent, so you spend less time worrying about email and more time being productive.

Deliver.Me allows you to schedule emails to aim at the best time for your subscribers to receive them, monitor your engagement and conversions from the app and tailoring each email to a customer’s preferences, so everyone gets precisely what they need, and when they need it. Not everyone likes boats, for example. So if you’re selling boats, you should aim at tailoring your emails so you get maximum return on investment for your boat business.

Deliver.Me has another neat and interesting feature called subscriber profiles. It’s a system that lets you take a look at each subscriber’s individual profile and check out things like their level of engagement, history and more. These make it really easy to gain insight as to what a person likes or dislikes, something that can help a lot in the future, especially if you want to sell something to them.

Of course, there’s also a powerful analytics tool that will provide you with all the data about opening rate, conversions, subscribers, clicks and bounces for your emails, something we all need in one place.

Great Emails = Great Feedback

It doesn’t really matter if you’re an entrepreneur, a manager or just a member of a startup, Deliver.Me will help you with making your emails stand out from the sea of black-on-white text we send and receive every day. With powerful analytics, tools and features that are pretty smart, we’re sure that Deliver.Me will find its way into the hearts of many users and will help them send email just a little bit better, and make it look just a little bit better too.

Email is one of the most important parts of business communication today, and you should really invest a little more time into making your emails better: you’ll see the results instantaneously.

For more info on Deliver.Me, check out their site!