Delicious is D.Me Now, As Well.

3 min read,

Delicious is getting even more yummy by the day. The famous social bookmarking web service that was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and relaunched this year by YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, is simplifying the way you can add new bookmarks with So what’s the plan for Delicious, a service that has been relaunched as “back to beta”?

According to Delicious itself, its pretty simple but should have quite an impact on the future development of their service. First of all, the new, shorter domain name will let you visit Delicious just by typing in four characters, no more, no less.

While it’s an obvious feature, the shorter domain name is crucial if Delicious wants to rein in users to use it in the go. Cisco’s Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast expects worldwide mobile data traffic to explode by a factor of 26 in just 4 years which means more users using more bandwidth and the potential for even more saved links than Delicious’ current stock. to Delicious

While reaching the homepage of Delicious is pretty cool, we’ll all want to probably visit our own profiles, right? That’s why will work with your Delicious username, such as or my own Not too shabby.

One Small Step for Mobile Bookmarking

Saving links on your iPhone, Android or other mobile device can be a hassle. While you could save a link to Safari’s Reading list for example, what do you do when you want to save it to a space you can call your own on the web, ready not just for your reading pleasure, but your friend’s as well? Yeah, Delicious. 😉 Thus far we’ve covered redirecting URL addresses, but you’ll also be able to use email addresses.

Send that link faster.

Each and every user gets his or her address, a combination of your username and an alpha-numberic code. Just go into your Delicious settings and then save the email address to your address book so you can send a link to it later, saving it instantly. The neat thing is you can enter more details such as tags or a comment within the email you send. You can even make it private, by entering the following information after the link:

  • Tags: Tag, tag, tag, tag…
  • Comment: A sentence or two…
  • Private: Yes or no

Here’s how it looks in the wild, on the web:

All the details, saved.

Ah, the joy of using a new .Me domain name. 🙂

D.Me, please.

So you want an awesome and short .me domain name for your web project, but think you can’t get it since you didn’t start the biggest video website to date and then sell it to Google? Wrong. Chad and Steve got for Delicious through our domain development program which lets you, the creative class of the web, use .Me premium domain names on your next web venture.

As .Me’s CEO Predrag Lesic notes, Delicious and .Me saw a chance to work together to further develop the popular, redesigned web service with the shortest domain possible on the market and a personal call to action., people? If you think your project has what it takes to use a .Me premium domain name like, (WordPress) or (Facebook), get in touch through our development program.