Cropp.Me: Cropping Your Pictures Was Never Easier!
I love photography. Just thinking about going outside with my camera to snap some photos sends shivers down my spine. My dad introduced me to photography. Ever since I was little I’ve been fascinated with the the ability to capture the perfect moment, to tell an emotional story through the viewfinder and lens.
Since the technology got cheaper, most people nowadays use digital cameras because they are much more practical and easier to use. Film has become the choice of only a few as digital now leads a revolution in photography. Heck, even every cell phone today has a high quality camera!
One of the best features about digital cameras is the ability to simply transfer photos onto your computer and edit them if necessary. What used to take hours in dark room and different flammable chemicals, now takes an USB cable and a Photoshop. It a matter of minutes, I can upload my photos for people to see them. However, when it comes to a larger batch of photos with large resolution it can get a bit tricky. There is no option to do this automatically in Photoshop, and other applications may be costly.
Introuding Cropp.Me
Cropp.Me is a simple to use image-cropping tool developed by guys behind Imagga startup from Bulgaria. It let’s its users crop pictures via web app, and the service recommends several different resolutions (ones which are most used online). Using the clever algorithm, it suggests the most interesting area to crop.
The service comes in handy is you have more then a few photos to upload, perhaps a whole album you took on your vacation! If you’re using DSLR camera you know that those pictures can easily go over 3000 pixels which translates to a lot of data to upload. Although Facebook and some blogging platforms support those resolutions, it will take long for them to upload and the people viewing them will definitely have a terrible experience unless they are using a super fast Internet connection.
What you want to do is crop all those photos for upload, and that’s exactly what Cropp.Me does. In a matter of minutes, you can have your photos cropped and ready for upload with only two clicks. No more boring cropping in Photoshop or some other program.
Now that you know about this nifty tool, there’s nothing stopping you from finally sharing all of your photos on Facebook or your blog! Just make sure that not all of your photos are photos of cute cats! 😀