CodeRace.Me: Ryan Carson Wants You How to Code… and Code Fast!

2 min read,

Editor’s note: Since writing this article, Coderace.Me has ceased to operate. This post remains as part of their legacy. However, you can read our story about a similar .MEr here.

Have you ever tried to learn HTML but you found it boring? You were probably looking for a little motivation, a little competition that would force you to give out the best of you, right?

The team over at Treehouse is commited to teaching you how to code for the web and iOS. It’s the new company of Ryan Carson and the spiritual successor to ThinkVitamin. By using the theory of gamification, they’ve revolutionized the way you’ll check on how good your coding skills are. is their newest project.

Learning To Code By Winning is an online coding game that teaches you how to code a basic website using nothing more than HTML and CSS. It’s also a great game for more advanced coders; it will test out your ability to code – and code fast! But you won’t be racing against the computer – will find you an opponent so you will have to live-code and be faster to win!

Win some achievements!

Only if no one else is willing to play you’ll get your challenges so you could practice your coding skills. With your experience being improved at, you’ll earn rewards and even unlock cool weapons which will be more than useful in your future coding clashes (eg. you can modify the font in your opponents editor to Comic Sans).

How The Race Began

As mentioned before, the Treehouse team teaches web design, web development and iOS development. It’s an online training facility with loads of quality video materials and high quality tutorials that will teach you everything you need to know.

The battlefield

They planned to organize an “Idea Week” every year, where the team gets focused on designing and developing a project. So this year, realizing that there is no live coding game on the web, the Treehouse team decided they’ll build their own! Discover how was build in their short video presentation:

[vimeo width=”555″ height=”312″][/vimeo]