Cobot.ME: Manage Your Coworking Space In an Innovative Way!
If you own or work at a coworking company, you know that sometimes it can be tough to manage the business and organize everything. Keeping track of your members, their payments and sending invoices can really be pain in the neck. You need a system which will provide you with all these features while providing you with more free time to deal with other problems. Say hello to Cobot.ME!
Developed by Upsteam – Agile from Berlin, Germany, Cobot.ME is an easy-to-use, sleek management software designed for purposes of invoicing, membership agreements, room bookings and etc. Those in charge are provided with a tool which effectively lowers the costs of running such a place while getting the most out of resources.
Once users sign in, they will be prompted with a setup page (dashboard) where they can create special workplaces and manage several of them at a time. They come in a form of their own websites under a .cobot subdomain.
Cobot.ME Features
The service provides its users with plenty of useful tips and tricks, but one that got our attention was the Radius authentication feature. In essence, it lets you create a captive portal through which you can redirect your users/customers and make them sign up with an username and a password. This allows you to track their usage (not their browsing history) which can be a neat option if you are running a pay-by-the-hour type of coworking space. Cobot.ME automatically creates invoices and collects the payments through PayPal or credit cards (if the users banking info is in the system). Money goes right to your bank account, and the service even reminds users when is the due date for the payment. Once you get the hang of it, invoicing and adding other members becomes pretty easy. The service has a very responsive support team which can be contacted through the service chat, Skype or via email. Also, if a coworker is in need for a conference room or equipment, service can charge them according to their usage.
Event calender is their latest feature which helps admins with management and organizing different events. They can create as many events as their like, and they have an option to charge for the admission and as money will be directly transferred through Cobot.Me. If you are running a coworking space, we strongly suggest you trying out Cobot.ME. They have a 30 day free trial and you can check it out right here!