CES 2014: The Strangest and Funniest Gadgets So Far

3 min read,

CES is the biggest annual show of technologies and technological achievements and it displays tons of mouth-dropping gadgets and devices… as well as some really, really weird ones. Smart toothbrush, anyone?

 Smart Toothbrush

We thought that electric toothbrushes were as far as oral hygiene devices will go. We also thought we had an app for just about anything. Boy, were we wrong! French gadget Kolibree is a smart tooth brush which analyzes your brushing habits and displays the results on your smartphone via special app. Because you couldn’t possibly brush your teeth without an app. Missed a molar? Skipping incisors alot? Well, this will happen no more once the Kolibree toothbrush hits the shelves later this year with a price tag of $99.


Smart Socks for Smart Runners

Feel free to ditch your old white sport socks. What do they do, anyways? Keep your feet dry? That’s nothing. A company called Heapsylon is starting a new line of socks called  Sensoria, and of course, they are smart socks, because we have no more room for silly things in our lives (or do we?). These socks can  track how a user’s foot hits the ground, analyze the rhythm of each footfall and calculate stride length. With time, these genius socks also learn how you run and will alert you when you are doing it wrong and risking injury or overexertion.  And they are just  £100 a pair.

 Sit Up Straight!

Yes, there is a device which tells you to sit up straight. Lumo Lift tracks your body position and movements, and when you slouch the sensor starts vibrating to remind you to keep your chin up and back straight. It also provides feedback, if you are wondering how you are doing in terms of body posture, and also rewards you through a mobile app for being a well behaved girl or a boy. The company is looking to crowdfund this project on its website LumoBodyTech.com.


Yes, Mother!

If being told to sit up straight isn’t enough and you want to be bossed around some more by your gadget, try Mother. What looks like a creepy, minimalistic nesting doll, with glowing eyes and a terrifying sly smile, is reall a doting device which basically follows your every move. Did you brush your teeth enough? Did you close the door behind you? Did you get enough sleep? Mother knows all.

 This device, developed by Sen.se uses a series of small tracking devices called cookies that can be attached anywhere to track almost anything. They also detect temperature and location. Mother knows best (where you’ve been and what you’ve done).

Never Kill Your Plants Again

Well, this might be a useful one, if you are one of those people who never remembers to water their plants. Flower Power actually tells you when your plants are dying. You could probably see that for your self, if you ever paid attention, but if you have the tendency to walk right past that flowerpot, this gadget will alert you over your iPhone, and I know you always pay attention to that.

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