Certalert.Me Alerts You When Your SSL Certificate Expires
Just like domains, SSL certificates have to be renewed from time to time. However, many website owners forget about this detail which often results in downtime. And nobody likes downtime, especially not if you’re using a web based service for work or you need it at any given moment.
When Kansas City-based software service provider Stackify, experienced problems with the expired SSL certificate on a Windows cloud platform they’ve been using, they knew something had to be done. Since there usually isn’t a specific person which is directly responsible for this matter, Stackify’s team decided to fix the problem by creating their own solution, one which will help organizations across the globe.
Say hello to Certalert.Me
Called Certalert.Me, their solution comes in a form of a free service which monitors websites and alerts their owners before it’s SSL certificate or domain name has expired. Forgetting to renew secure sockets layer certificate is a common problem. You buy them, install them and forget about them says Stackify’s founder, Matt Watson.
When you or your organisation registers for Certalert.Me, you’ll receive an instant domain report and seldom email reports about the status of your websites SSL certificates and domain names. Considering the fact that nowadays applications usually rely on third parties, Stackify’s latest software can ensure those services are working – mitigating negative effects on enterprise applications.
“We couldn’t find any services that monitor and alert you before your SSL certificates expire, so we decided to solve the problem and offer it as a free service to IT administrators. Certalert.Me is just another way Stackify helps developers monitor their applications.” – Matt Watson
To register for Stackify’s new free service, visit the official website and find out more about the product.