BuzzBase.Me Creates The Social Buzz Your Campaign Needs

3 min read,

Creatives like to think that „content is the king“, but the truth is, the king usually needs a little push. For a good piece or a campaign to go viral, it doesn’t only need to be awesome, but also accepted by the audience and the influencers inthe target audience. It’s all about creating a buzz, which is exactly what macedonian BuzzBase.Me does. This platform seeds content onto the social networks and encourages interaction around it. It ensures content distribution with a system of rewards for the social media users who help create the “buzz” and measure the social engagement that buzzers generate around the shared content, allowing them to monetize their Facebook likes or retweets!   The main difference between this project and other hype-generating platforms is that it does not solely focus  on the number of clicks and shares, but also user engagement and interaction with the content. This ensures even wider content distribution, explains one of the BuzzBase founders, Darko Buldioski for Netokracija.

 In-house Project Gone Startup

The project was created in-house, to cater to the needs of the two agencies and then pivoted into a startup.  As the trends shift towards content marketing, a need for seeding of that content grows even stronger and a tool that could make this easier, like BuzzBase.Me, was a long time coming. For now, the BuzzBase works with Facebook and Twitter, but plans Facebook i Twitter, but the team behind it plans to spread their buzz onto Instagram, LinkedIn, Klout i other social networks. The platform, a combined project of two creative agencies NewMediaMK and, is in private beta and is being tested at the local macedonian market, with great outcomes. In the first few days it gathered around 200 Buzzers and generated quite some buzz. After they polish the service, the Buzzbase team plans to expand their market and their service on the CEE region, but they are also looking for investment, to help them grow.  

An ideal Buzzer

buzzbase campaign  An ideal buzzer is a social network user trusted by his friends and follwers– that means that they have a certain social cred, at least when it comes to specific topics and has built a community around themselves. The whole system works like a sort of a piramyd (not the scam one): a selected buzzer gets to recruit 5 more buzzers from their network, and they get to recruit 5 more. Buzzers are not spammers, Buldioski notes- they get to chose which campaign to support, according to their own intrests and intrests of their followers. Although some may fear that their feeds will get overflown with ads and camaigns, this is a win-win situtaion. With this kind of social seeding, brands have to put in effort to make their campaigns interesting and relevant to their users, otherwise, they won’t get shared. If a BuzzBase.Me  buzzer ventures into spamming and oversharing for the sake of profit, their reputation credibility goes down and so does their abiluity to monetize on the campaigns. It’s also important that the buzzers state that a certain content is sponsored and do not try to „deceive“ their followers-  otherwise, Buzzbase reserves their right not to pay for its distribution. Hoping to become a Buzzer yourself? Don’t worry, we’ll keep you updated and let you know when BuzzBase.Me spreads its wings and buzz.