BrightSide.Me Makes Your Day Just a Little Bit Better

4 min read,

Always look on the bright side of life. Aside from being a great and well-received song from the late seventies, it’s also a way of thinking and doing things. We admit, it’s sometimes hard to be positive and “bright” about things, but life always finds a way to make all the bad days up to you, you only need to stay positive.

When it comes to things that can help you get back up again when you get knocked down, different people choose different things. Some prefer company of their dogs or other pets, while others prefer long walks through nature. We love both of those things and would like to add a third: BrightSide.Me, a site that really tries its hardest to make your day just a little bit better, and the world a better place with funny, interesting and optimistic content. pet cat

It’s All About The Buzz

Journalism on the internet is slowly becoming a whole world of its own, and the newest trends are all starting to turn in the direction of Buzzfeed and similar “social news websites”. Of course, Buzzfeed is one of the most prominent producers of online content today, even though a lot of people disregard the content they produce as irrelevant.

The impact social media has had on journalism is a topic of a lot of research and different papers and articles. Why is that? Well, for start, because social media disrupted the established flow of information through the “classic” media channels, like TV and radio. According to a study from Pew Research Centre in 2013, more than 70 percent of adults got their news from friends and family, usually through social media.

This is a huge number, and the study is almost four years old today. This is why the influence that the internet media has simply can’t be diminished. Social media has surely changed the landscape of journalism, and we’re only along for the ride.

Facebook Is Faster Than Conventional Media

Try to remember: when was the last time you’ve read something in the paper that you haven’t heard about online? Just yesterday, I’ve seen numerous news about the things happening in the world on my Facebook wall way before conventional media has even got the chance to publish it. Of course, those things are surely not a matter of national security so they weren’t  broadcasted right away on TV, but Facebook did serve as a means of informing me of the events, for example, the adventures of the Juno spacecraft.

And that personal example is basically how the world works in 2016., and will continue to work in 2017., I reckon. Simply because there’re so many people using social media sites, it’s extremely unlikely that the “old-school” journalism will stage a comeback.

All of this “digital age” journalism has propelled sites like Buzzfeed straight to internet stardom, along with more than $100 million in revenue and more than 700 employees in 2014. People enjoy “clickable” articles, short news and listicles more than anything else, with lists being the absolute winner of internet articles.

I can’t say I personally love lists that much, but my favorite site is, and they were among the first ones to start using lists in their writing. The New Yorker wrote about how we love lists simply because they are perfectly designed for our brains.

  • We’re drawn to them intuitively
  • We process them more quickly
  • We retain them with little effort

See, that list was great, wasn’t it?


We All Need A Bit Of Good News And Inspiration

The rise of the internet journalism has brought upon us sites like BrightSide.ME, who try to be an aggregator of short, clickable articles that are easy to talk about, easy to share and most importantly, easy to recommend to your friends. 

No matter what your views on this “built for sharing” content are, you can’t deny that a site that posts exclusively things to amuse you and brighten up your day can’t be that bad. Sure, you won’t find any mind-blowing research on there, but that’s the point. BrightSide.ME simply exists for you to get some well-deserved brightness in your everyday life.

The site covers anything from unusual news, like the deep sea fisherman that posts photos of the weird creatures he finds, or celebrity articles and advice for parents and more. It’s a well-rounded collection of things you can spend a few minutes on and move on with your life, without anything that will make you sad and angry.

We can all agree that we really need a place like that online, right?