Blogomania, the Biggest CEE Blogging Conference is Just Around the Corner! Are You Going?

2 min read,

You may or may not know that the domain is actually the hompage of an awesome CEE regional conference dedicated to blogging, bloggers and online content. This year Blogomania is taking place from November 28th to December 1st, on the snowy slopes of Serbian ski resort Kopaonik, and it is all about Digital Marketing and PR, Content and Social Networks.

Blogomania started in 2012, when it gathered more than 400 participants on Stara Planina. This year it doubled in size, with over 800 participants and 80 speakers.

The goal of Blogomania 2013 is to share regional and international experiences in creating quality content and telling success stories, because storytelling is the new way of marketing. Blogomania 2013 will cover new terms and concepts,  and there will be much talk on how all the good stories are made, and why great storytelling does not include lying.

The participants will have a great opportunity to listen to and contact some of the region’s best bloggers, PR, journalism and marketing experts and to take part in various discussions on blogging, content menagment and other interesting topics. One of the speakers is Dave Trott, the winner of the prestigious D&AD President’s Award 2004, Pratt Institute in alumni and the founder of Predatory thinking approach

Blogomania promises a great program, lots of opportunities to get to know the regional bloggers and blogosphere, but also opportunities to relax in the beautiful Kopaonik resort. You can check out the program and the conference line up here.

If you can’t make it to the conference but are interested in some of the topics, don’t worry, we will  be reporting from Blogomania right here on the blog!