Biggest, Baddest Startups With a .Me Domain

Fresh faces, startups and everything .Me are just a few of our passions. Combine those three elements with the wonder that is Internet and you’ll get a product we will instantly fall in love. OK, maybe not instantly, but give it some time. After all, we are talking about startups and they need some time and nurturing to grow to their full potential. So what happens when they grow up to be biggest and baddest startups with a .Me domain? We celebrate them in all of their glory, celebrate their baby steps and exits, and showcase them and their journey. So prepare for a .Me startup overload, because we’re going to remind you of some of the .Me startups that are kicking some ass!
Straight in the head with one of the most popular ones. If you already don’t know, is site that offers users a simple platform from which to link multiple online identities, relevant external sites, and popular social networking websites. It is characterised by its one-page user profiles, each with a large, often-artistic background image and abbreviated biography. Everybody at .ME has a page, what about you?
When it comes to startups, things can often loose an element called “human”. That is not the case with It is a social platform that helps (single) people create groups of three friends, search and invite other group of three friends and find local business to meet according to similar interests. There is one worldwide famous company that has its slogan “Connecting people”, but in’s case, this is really true
To clear it up, no connection to Instagram, but it has connection to your visual organs. Kinda. is the first waterproof heads-up monitor that tracks, stores, and displays instant feedback of your heart rate during your swim. It optimises your training and allow you to achieve your peak performance. It effortlessly mounts on the most pairs of swimming googles, so there is mentioned eye connection.
From tracking and monitoring on your eyes, to help in visuals. is a mobile application that connects you with friends and enables you to ask for advice using voice, video and location. The assistant can see video streaming from your device and you position on a map in real time. Application was designed primarily for visually impaired and blind people, so it is available for users with increased font size.
Don’t need help in the physical space? How about shopping and earning some money? is the identity verification network that allows you to prove your group affiliations online so you can access exclusive benefits and deals. It was designed for military and later students and other groups joined, but even if you aren’t a part of an affinity group, you can shop and take VIP actions that generate points for greater cash back rewards.
Instead of buying you want to share? Try The app allows you to create and share short thoughts or opinions overlaid onto photos. Think of it as part meme generator, part Secret. But beware, the app doesn’t offer true anonymity, instead users can choose to identify themselves or remain “anonymish”, though users can’t respond to others’ posts anonymously. Created by Biz Stone, there isn’t much to say about it besides that is extremely fun!
There are many more .ME startups, but there is just so little space to write. So for starters, check these out if you already haven’t and explore some more. Why? Because .Me is a perfect place to start.