Beyond Code: Showcasing Soft Skills on Your Developer Portfolio 

7 min read,

If you ask a regular person how they picture a stereotypical programmer, you know what they’re most likely to say? They will picture a nerdy guy with glasses who doesn’t talk much, sitting at his desk all day, hacking some government documents, with no soft skills whatsoever.  

It’s needless to say there are so many things wrong with this unconscious bias (thanks Hollywood). I mean, let’s face it – you’re probably not hacking government documents. Or at least I hope so. 

But, there is one stereotype that remains prevalent: a lot of developers have no social skills. 

And while this might be true for you or not, your potential employer doesn’t know that. Yes, technical skills may get your foot in the door, but soft skills are the ones that help you walk through it. 

Having an amazing portfolio that showcases your professional abilities and how great you are at what you do is important. But, if you don’t want to be just another brick in the wall, you better include complementary skills that will put a cherry on top of your portfolio.

Now you may be wondering – so how do I include soft skills in my professional portfolio? 

Worry not, and continue reading, as this article is your answer.  

First of All, Why Are Soft Skills So Important? 

Well, besides defeating stereotypes, you still need to collaborate with people at the end of the day. 

There’s nothing wrong with being highly introverted and preferring to work by yourself. Still, you need to be able to express yourself clearly and communicate effectively with the rest of the team. 

Technical skills are a must, but emotional intelligence, adaptability, patience, time management, and creativity will make a great difference in your professional journey. 

Technical skills are a must, but emotional intelligence, adaptability, patience, time management, and creativity will make a great difference in your professional journey.

Development is essentially about solving complex problems. Sooner or later, there will be a problem slightly more challenging and important than others. And how you handle that problem will affect the company and the project you’re working on. 

Challenge yourself to think creatively and to be able to communicate it effectively with your team, because it sometimes matters even more than the code you write. 

So, let’s see how you can showcase it in your portfolio.

Tailor Your Content To Showcase Soft Skills

Instead of having a one-size-fits-all portfolio, you could create targeted versions for specific job applications. 

Pay attention to the job description and analyze the soft skills listed there. Think about the skills that you have and tailor your portfolio content to highlight the most relevant ones. 

They need to be relevant to your field, so if you’re in a field that values teamwork and collaboration, include a project where you played a key role in a successful group outcome. Show quantifiable results that demonstrate the impact of your abilities. 

Highlight Leadership Experience

For example, if you took on a leadership role in a project, mention how your leadership style resulted in a 25% increase in team productivity. Or how you successfully completed a project ahead of schedule. Of course, due to your effective delegation and the ability to motivate the team.

Even if you’re not in a leadership role, you can still demonstrate leadership in your portfolio by highlighting how you took the initiative on various projects.

Maybe you introduced a new tool or workflow that improved your team’s productivity, or you mentored a junior developer through their first major project. Your portfolio could include a blog post or section dedicated to these moments of initiative, showing that you’re not just a passive coder but an active leader.

Extra tip: If you’ve ever given a presentation, led a workshop, or even contributed to open-source projects in a leadership role, make sure to highlight this in a dedicated section.

Tailoring your portfolio by itself shows intentionality and relevance to potential employers.

Tailoring your portfolio by itself shows intentionality and relevance to potential employers.

However, keep in mind not to cram every skill you have ever acquired at once. You need to balance it all out. On one hand – show a variety of skills. On the other – be coherent in your narrative. And if you want to learn more about the power of consistency for your personal brand, read here.

Include Testimonials And Feedback

Choosing something new means having to take the risk of it not being as good as you expected. To minimize the potential disappointment, we turn to social proof. The more people share their experiences, the more likely we are to believe what they’re saying is true. 

So, how can you prove yourself to be worthy of other people’s trust? By including testimonials, of course.

Client or customer feedback is a tangible endorsement of your soft skills that can go a long way in showcasing your interpersonal skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities.

Include a dedicated section in your portfolio for testimonials from past collaborators, clients, or team members. Their words can often convey your soft skills more convincingly than you could yourself. This type of feedback can be particularly persuasive because it comes from those who have directly experienced your soft skills in a professional context.

Make sure to provide context to the testimonial and pull out the key points that relate to your soft skills. 

72% of customers trust a business more after reading positive reviews and testimonials. It’s no different for you. So, do with that information what you will, but if I were you, I’d make sure I include some positive feedback. 

Your Portfolio Is Your Personal Brand

Or rather an extension of it. And you should view it as such. 

Your portfolio should reflect your personality and every element, from the design to the language used, should reflect the soft skills you wish to convey.

Your portfolio should reflect your personality and every element, from the design to the language used, should reflect the soft skills you wish to convey.

You’re creative? Show that through visual elements. Organizational skills are your strong suit? Make sure your portfolio is clear and easy to understand. Detail-oriented? Better check for those spelling mistakes. Skilled communicator? Is there a better way to demonstrate that skill than through blog posts, video tutorials or even documentation? 

If you did some volunteer work – perfect! Don’t limit your portfolio to professional experiences. Volunteer work can be a valuable addition to your portfolio demonstrating your social responsibility and well-rounded character.

Your portfolio should always reflect your growth and potential. Include some examples of how you have developed your skills over time and always update your portfolio with fresh pieces of information. 

Elevating Your Portfolio With Soft Skills

Your code speaks for itself, but being able to collaborate, empathize, and think critically? 

They are assets you should not take for granted. Don’t hide them – display them on your portfolio. 

Blend the best of both worlds. Leave a lasting impression. 

Content Writer, Alicorn