The Best Bike Lock Can Be Smart, Connected & Truly Secure: BGUARD.Me

6 min read,

If you live in a big city where traffic is an issue (which means ANY big city these days), you have to be pretty creative with your weekly commute. Some of us prefer public transportation, be it buses, trams or something else, and some of us prefer to hop on their bicycle and whizz by traffic without worry. Unfortunately, where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and where there are bikes there are bike thieves. Ergo – you need a bike lock!

The most heart-breaking experience is to come back to your shiny new bike and find it stolen! With 1.5 million bikes in the US according to the National Bike Registry and 400.000 bikes in the UK stolen every year, it can definitely happen to you!


Since that happens because a lot of bike locks are simply bad, we decided to come to your aid by telling you the downsides of popular lock types, as well as giving you a possible alternative: the B.GUARD.Me bike lock that’s more of a gadget than simply a lock.

But let’s tackle the most traditional bike locks first:

1. The Classic: Traditional Cable Lock

Even though there are a lot of quality brand-name products in this category, most bike websites will strongly advise you against these. The logic behind them is simple, get a lock with a key or a combination, put it in the middle of a strong steel cable, and there you go. The problem is that you can get through these locks with only a pair of wire cutters, and they stand no chance against a determined thief.


Feeling secure?

Needless to say, you should never, EVER lock your bike with these if you happen to leave your bike outdoors because things like this and even this will happen. The first example shows you that you can easily cut these with a pair of cutters that fit in your pocket, and the other one, well, see for yourself

Cable locks aren’t entirely useless, of course, as they can be used to provide an extra layer of security for your bike when you’re not in the vicinity. Some manufacturers like Kryptonite provide cables with their U-locks so you can lock your expensive seat and wheels too.

Proper usage of cable locks

2. Not A Good Combination With Bikes: Low-quality Chains

This one is more personal than anything else. You see, a lot of people see a chain as the most secure thing on earth, even if they’re advised otherwise. The piece of advice here is that it really isn’t, although grade 70 chains are some of the strongest pieces of metal in the world.

Chains are, however, made to do other things. Even though you can lock your bike with a standard hardware store chain, that’s just a terrible idea.

How to scratch your frame while not making your bike secure

What happens to your hardware store lock and chain combination when it meets the bolt cutter, a thief-favourite, is that it snaps in under 5 minutes. We all know that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and your regular chain isn’t designed to be tough to cut, but rather to be able to withstand great force lengthwise. That means, you can hang a ton on it, but you can cut it easily with some determination.

Chains that are designed specifically for bikes are one of the best security you can find. They are built for sheer strength and compromise little, except weight. Big, strong ones are rather heavy, and can weigh more than 7 kg. Proper bike chain locks are also placed inside a sleeve that won’t damage your frame, which is nice. Almax Immobiliser chain is probably the most hardcore security you can put on your bike, so if you’re into chains, that’s the way to go. You could also use it for your motorcycle or you know, a ship.

Or a house…

3. A Bit Overpriced: Fancy Locks

We don’t have anything against this beautiful lock, but we would just like to point out that you could do much better for that kind of money. A girl armed with a pair of bolt cutters makes short work of this “premium” lock, so don’t think that your local New York thief wouldn’t do the same.

Even though this kind of lock is smart and safe, it’s downside is that it costs $200 and is pretty long, which leaves it vulnerable to cutting. It’s gorgeous, though, and we would recommend it if you’re not in the need for some hardcore security, and are after some sweet looks. It still won’t keep your bike as safe as our next pick:

Lock it up with style

4. Our Suggestion: The BGUARD.Me Smart Bike Lock

If you’re into tech and want to secure your bike with technology, as well as power, we suggest trying the BGUARD.Me. You wouldn’t lock your car to a post, so why do it with your bike? BGUARD is an advanced electronic alarm that knows when you’re not on your bike and screams with more than 100db of sound if anyone touches it while instantly letting you know via an official iOS and Android app with GPS tracking!

It can’t be removed, has it’s own SIM card so it can notify you from wherever you are, uses Bluetooth and a smartphone app to communicate with you. It is placed on the back wheel, locks in place with a key combination,  and looks sweet while doing it.

Pretty sweet, indeed.

BGUARD.Me recognises the difference between someone nudging your bike while parking and an actual theft, so it doesn’t scare people who don’t need scaring away. It’s also heavily resistant to impacts, and lightweight, so you don’t have anything to worry about.

Of course, why wouldn’t you simply back up the BGUARD.Me with a nice lightweight lock, and be absolutely sure that your bike won’t get stolen? So let’s review:

  • BGUARD has an official iOS and Android app;
  • It includes GPS tracking and a 100 dB alarm;
  • Supports automatic on/off your bike;
  • It’s strong while being light (300g!).

Get It For 50% Off This September

We love our bikes, and you do, too. So don’t be scared every time you leave it in a bike parking lot, and go on with your day with no stress with BGUARD.Me. The first 300 devices will be available this September for a 50% limited offer at 99 Euros! If you’re locking your bike with other means, be sure to always buy quality locks and never leave your bike in alleys and dark places.


Take care of your bike, and you’ll be riding for years!