5 TED Talks That Will Make You A Better Entrepreneur

The beauty of TED talks is in its very condensed format that gives you a glimpse into ideas and wisdom someone took decades to gain. As opposed to reading a book on the same topic, where you get an in-depth explanation of a concept, TED talks go straight to the point. They serve to challenge our way of thinking and our beliefs. They serve to intrigue us and make us want to learn more.
The only “problem” with TED talks is that there is so many of them, so finding those valuable ones that answer to our specific question can be challenging. I chose 5 talks that impressed me the most. What they have in common is that they all introduce ideas that can help you become a better businessperson, decision maker and leader:
1. Bill Gross: The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed
Running time – 6:40 minutes
Bill Gross is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Idea Lab. During his career he had the opportunity to work with hundreds of startups. Some of those failed where he was certain they would succeed. Some of them achieved wild successes, even though they were originally considered a lost cause. Confused by the seemingly illogical trajectories startups take, he decided to discover the factors that determine the fate of a startup. The results were surprising. It seems that the most important thing is … timing!
2. David S. Rose: How to Pitch to a VC
Running time – 14:39
There is no one better to teach you how to improve your elevator pitch than a person called “The Pitch Coach”. David starts his talk by reminding us that the number one thing VCs are interested in is you – an “entrepreneur in whom they are going to invest their money and make a lot of money in return”. Not your business modes, markets or financials. You. He then shares advice on how to, in those few minutes you have for your pitch, communicate that you are the person they should invest in.
3. Tim Harford: Trial, Error, and the God Complex
Running time – 18:07
Economics writer for Financial Times, Tim Harford, uses everyday examples to explain fundamental economics principles. In his talk he argues that we live in a complex and volatile world and that challenges we face require something more that ready-made solutions. It requires our willingness to be wrong, and to, in face of it, be flexible. Embrace the fact that you don’t always know best, and be ready to put your inherent belief and values to the test.
4. Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas Spread
Running time – 17:01
Seth Godin, best selling author and marketing guru, shares his experience on what makes an idea go viral. You may have the technology, the patent and a business model but if do not get your idea to spread… it may all be for nothing. Seth explains what it takes to spread your idea in a highly competitive and complex word. He explains what it means to be remarkable.
5. Simon Sinek: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
Running time – 11:59
Management theorist Simon Sinek gives us that final puzzle to what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur – being a great leader. Startups may have few resources when it comes to funding but what they do have, what they must have, is a team that will drive the company forward. As a startup founder, it is your obligation and privilege to be a leader and make sure your team is healthy and thriving.
BONUS TALK: I promise, this one is not just because I love him, but also because his ideas have merit. To complete this list, please take a look at Malcolm Gladwell and his talk on “Choice, Happiness and Spaghetti Sauce”.
Is there a TED talk you particularly like? If so, please share it with us in the comments!