5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Becoming A Student Freelancer

6 min read,

We all know that the transition from college to the real world can seem intimidating and difficult. But the truth is, it doesn’t have to be that way. First of all, what you need to do is accept that you are in transition. Be honest with yourself about your new challenges. Then look at your needs, desires, and talents, and combine them into activity! Now that’s why you should consider becoming a student freelancer.

Freelance work is becoming very popular among students, and for a reason. This could be a great way to start your career. So, if you’re wondering whether you should try becoming a student freelancer, consider this your sign! 

Freelance work is becoming very popular among students, and for a reason.

Now let’s cut to the chase and give you 5 reasons why you should consider freelancing as a student.

The Freedom To Try Things Out


One of the main benefits that freelancing offers you is unlimited freedom to try out different things! Considering that you are your own boss, you have all the freedom to choose when, how and what you do. That way you can organize yourself according to your needs and wishes, and have flexible working hours!

So yeah, there are no restrictions and fixed working hours. With freelancing you get the opportunity to dip your toe in the water. Apart from the fact that you will divert your thoughts from lectures and exams, freelancing will give you so much room to experiment!

Freelancing provides students an opportunity to create a work – life balance. Student freelancer doesn’t have to wake up super early, rush to the office, and adapt to working hours. Student freelancer wakes up when he wants to, makes a cup of coffee, does a workout, makes a plan for the day… Simply put, he organizes his day according to his needs and desires. Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Don’t get too excited, because it’s not. It’s still work, it still has deadlines, it can still be stressful. Therefore, regardless of all the freedom, it is still important to remain responsible.

Student Freelancer Is Getting Work Experience


Another reason students should consider becoming freelancers is the opportunity to see how a business operates. Freelancing allows you to get great experience, and to build up your resume

You should know that freelancing is probably one of the best things to put on your resume. When you have work experience, you are immediately more valuable to any business. Being a student freelancer will most definitely increase your chances to get a job if you decide to, and will help you skip that entry-level position

You should know that freelancing is probably one of the best things to put on your resume.

Being a student freelancer, you are also improving your skills, applying knowledge to practical projects, and of course, learning more! So, using the work to learn and get experience.

Of course, it would be great if your freelance business becomes very successful and profitable! 

Building Connections


Building connections is a very important part of every business. Being a student freelancer, and working with a variety of clients is a great way to connect with people with similar interests and professions.

Being a student freelancer, and working with a variety of clients is a great way to connect with people with similar interests and professions.

Having a network of people is an essential thing in business. In order to nurture and maintain connections with people, it is necessary to do exceptional work, stay in touch, be nice, and professional. That way you are building lasting relationships, and that’s what we want to accomplish.

The same goes for connecting with colleagues and other freelancers. In the end, who knows, maybe they will be the co-founders of your future business.

Read more: 10 Lessons For Successful Freelancing (From .MErs)

Student Freelancer Knows About Responsibility


As mentioned earlier, freelancing most definitely teaches you about responsibility! When you freelance, you pick up some very important and valuable skills. And if you plan on getting a regular job after graduation, freelancing experience will help you tons, bearing in mind acquired responsibility.

Although freelance work is such that you organize your own time and choose the way of working, in order to be successful, you need responsibility. Time management skills and accountability are important not only for work, but also for life in general

I should tell you, time management is not easy to learn. Actually, it is something that many freelancers struggle with. Exactly because of the flexibility of this type of work, it often happens that you relax with that yoga or the coffee mentioned above, take a break, turn on a tv show, and then in the evening you realize that you didn’t work enough. And then comes the drama, you don’t get to get up from the computer for the next 24 hours. But that is also a part of the process

It happens to every freelancer, so it will happen to you too. What is important is that you learn from it! 🙂

Student Freelancer Makes Money


Going to University is expensive, that’s a given. So, saving money our parents give us is important. But what’s even better is earning our own.

We need it for going out, we need it  for traveling, it can also be to help our family, or to buy a gift for our loved one. Simply, we always need money, right? So, I think we all agree that students need an additional source of income, other than pocket money. 

It is very important for you to know that being at university does not mean that you cannot earn. The main source of income for most of the students is the pocket money you receive from your parents, right? This doesn’t have to be the case. Being a student freelancer makes it happen! 

Being a student freelancer basically means that you get paid for practicing, and showcasing your talent. It is a perfect opportunity to learn a new type of organization and obligations, while, simply, monetizing your skills.

Being a student freelancer basically means that you get paid for practicing, and showcasing your talent.

A little warning: Don’t let your earnings tempt you to neglect your studies! That would definitely not be a good long-term decision.

Read more: How To Start A Freelancing Career

In Conclusion


Freelancing is an amazing opportunity for students. Other than practicing and monetizing your talents and skills, being a student freelancer is helping you in the long run also. Building healthy habits, managing work-life balance, building responsibility and work habits. Those are just some of the things that make freelancing a good option for all students!

Now go, get your first client! And you know what? Take Tuesdays and Fridays off. And work after midnight too, if that is when your concentracion is better. And also, take naps! Believe it or not, all that is possible. Of course, if you are serious, responsible, and well organized. 

I wish you good luck! 🙂

Until next time!

Marketing Specialist, Alicorn