5 Amazing and Free cPanel Alternatives

Industry’s leading Linux based web hosting control panel, or simply cPanel, provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to make website hosting simple even for non-techies. It provides capabilities for administrators, resellers, and end-user website owners to control various aspects of website and server administration through a standard web browser.
Thus, cPanel is the most popular, most widely used and probably the most powerful way to manage your websites or email accounts. However, much like all other awesome online services, it isn’t free. Therefore, we’ve managed to find 5 equally awesome, functional, versatile and free cPanel alternatives that will get the job done.
1. VestaCP
VestaCP makes our list as it is a fine-looking, quite simple and very effective control panel for your Centos, Debain and Ubuntu Servers. It is capable of handling high traffic websites just as efficiently as cPanel, while it also installs Nginx out of the box so you can set up different modes of your webpage, including caching and hosting. VestaCP updates automatically and offers DNS Manager, Antivirus, AntiSpam and WHMCS Billing Support, as well.
2. Froxlor
One of the most attractive control panels out there is certainly Froxlor. With Froxlor you get a quite user-friendly interface via which you are free to modify and distribute the software as you see fit. However, there is one catch – you will have to make your changes available to the original source. Commercial use is also possible, as long as you disclose that your product uses Froxlor. This popular cPanel alternative allows 3 types of users: administrators, resellers and customers; it doesn’t include a file manager, but it does let you create an FTP account very easily.
3. ISPConfig 3
Quite possibly the most versatile free control panel on our list, ISPConfig 3has pretty much every feature you will ever need from an open source Linux hosting control panel, as it offers 4 user levels: Admin, Control Panel User, Reseller and Client. Everything one needs, basically.
Admin Level lets you configure the server and administer all users, while Control Panel Users Level lets the user access only what the administrator specifies. This means that one can allow access ONLY to the file manager or to administer mailboxes. Resellers Level allows resellers to resell a set amount of resources that is allocated to them by the admin, however, resellers can later make their own packages and resell them. Client Level includes usable resources assigned by the reseller, but the clients do have the authority to use everything allowed by the administrator and it is completely customizable.
4. ZPanel
ZPanel is a simple and easy to use web hosting control panel written to work effortlessly with Microsoft Windows and POSIX (Linux, UNIX and MacOSX) based servers or computers. ZPanel is able to turn a home or professional server into a versatile, fully fledged and user-friendly web hosting server which provides practically all the features one would expect to find in an excellent cPanel alternative. ZPanel has a file manager, ftp account administration, MySQL database and user administration, a DNS/domain manager, and webmail (RoundCube), while it is also packed with other useful features ideal for personal websites.
5. Kloxo
The last, but not least, is Kloxo made by LXCenter. This control panel is a perfect substitute for cPanel as its makers have designed the interface to be almost identical to the one of cPanel. Kloxo integrates with WHMCS, Hostbill and AWBS, which is a huge advantage if you use WHMCS or BoxBilling to manage your freelance clients.
And there you have it, 5 excellent, fully functional, easy to use and free cPanel alternatives to choose from. Take your pick.